Анали Правног факултета у Београду



valore impliciţi nei concetti di reddito. L. Pasinetti: La funzione del consulno in alcuni modelli econometrici applicati ai cićli economici. A. Santarelli: Considerazioni suite relazionii fra la condotta del consumatore, dell’ operators e lo sviluppo economico. F. DuchAni: Nuove interpretazioni del pensiero di C. Marx. Fasc. VI, Novembre Dicembre 1955. - E. Colcoterra: Diffusione del deli economici nello spazio ed i mezzi di politica economica di contemimento. F. Vito: Le condizioni per il ristabilimento e per il mantenimento della convertïbïlità. B. GraZia-Resi: Consideraziom sulla ricreazione sociale. E. Pa.terlini: Aspetti e problemi economici della Germania occidentale. L. Ancona: La psicologia comparata seconda O. Klineberg. • G. Corna Pellegrini: Alcuni problemi del credito nell’ industrializzazione del Mezzogiorno. RURAL SOCIOLOGY (Published at the University of Kentucky), Lexington, Vol. 20, No, 2, June 1955. A. Lee Coleman and C. Paul Marsh: Differential Communication among Farmers in a Kentucky County. Floyd M. Martinson: Personal Adjustment and RuralUrban Migration. George A. Hillery Jr.: Definitions of Community. Daniel E. Alleger: The Role of Agriculture in Retirement Adjustment (A Study in Five Florida Counties). Charles H. Coates and Alvin L. Bertrand: A Simplified Statistical Methodology for Developing Multi-Measure Indices as Research Tools. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, New York, Vol. XIX, No. 4, Fall 1955. Victor Perlo: New York as - the Financial Center. V. B. Singh: Land Tenure in An Indian State. Samuel Bernstein: Two Historical Methods. SWISS REVIEW OF WORLD AFFAIRS (A Monthly Publication of the „Neue Zürcher Zeitung“), Zürich, Vol. V, No. 7, October 1955. Erie Streiff: In the Saar on the Eve of the Referendum. Ernst Halperin: After a Recent Visit to Poland. Heinz Heymann: The Plight of Free Competition in Great Britain. No. 8, November 1955. —• Urs Schwarz: Crisis in the United Nations. Otto Frei: Vatican Relations with the Communist States. F. E. Aschinger: Turkey in the Throes of Economic Growing Pains. Rudolph P. Hafter: Brazil —■ After the Presidential Election. Urs Schwarz: The Future of Freedom (A Report on a Recent International Conference of Scholars and Political Leaders). Paul Guggenheim: The „Iristitut Universitaire des Hautes Etudes Internationales“ in Geneva. No. 9, December 1955. Albert Müller: Geneva Balance Sheet. Willy Bretscher: In the Twilight of „Peaceful Coexistence“. Hans E. Tütsch: Report From Greece. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, London, Vol. CLVIII, No. 944, October 1955. Hubert Butler: Reflections of an Unjustified Stay-atHome. P. Henderson: Must the Emigré he Justified ? Desmond Stewart: The New Babylon (Baghdad). Allendale Sanderson: North American Notebook. H. D. Walston: South American Notebook. No. 945, November 1955. Barbara Wootton: Holiness or Happiness (The Sociological Implications of the Growth of Divorce). Emanuel Miller: Divorce and the Family Structure. —< Desmond Stewart and John Haylock: The New Babylon (Marriage in Iraq). Wayland Young: Sultans and Settlers (The Situation in French North Africa). lain. Hamilton: The Emigré’ s Justification. WELTWIRTSCHAFTLICHES ARCHIV (Zeitschrift des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft a. d. Universität Kiel), 1955, Bd. 74, Heit 2; H.