Анали Правног факултета у Београду
derazioni sui limiti di una rapida diffusions dell’automazione. G. Galizzi: Il rapporta prezzicosti agricoli con riferiment'o all’agricoltura italiana. L. Pasinetti: Lo svüuppo economico e le aree arretrate. G. Mazzocchi: Considerazioni sulla economia post-keynesiana. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, New York, Vol. XX, No. i. Fall 1956. Maurice Halperin: Latin America in Transition. Joseph Needham: Mathematics and Science in China and the West. Samuel Bernstein: Wendell Phillips: Labor Advocate. SWISS REVIEW OF WORLD AFFAIRS (A Monthly Publication of the „Neue Zürcher Zeitung”). Zürich, Vol. VI, No. 7, October 1956. Ürs Schwarz: The US Elections. Fred Luchsinger: A Survey of the West German Political Scene. Max Beer: Germany and the United Nations. Nicolai Koesfner: The Real Problem of Underdevelopment. A Correspondent: The Outlook for Sterling. _ No. 8, November 1956. Fred Luchsinger: After a Visit to Moscow, Hans E. Tütsch: Nasser’s Regime. Reto Caratsch: A Trip Through Modem Morocco. Eric Mettler: Impressions of America. Rudy H. Schlesinger: New York Stock Exchange and Bussiness Trend Review. No. 9, December 1956 Willy Bretscher: The Burden of Our Time. Albert Müller: Cooperation in a New Situation. Eric Mettler: The Case of Sir Anthony Eden. Victor Meier: The Revolt in Hungary. E. F. Aschinger: Middle Eastern Oil and the West Salomon Wolff: European Economic Integration: Some Recent Progress. THE TWENTIETH CÊNTURY, London, Vol. 160, No. 956, October 1956. G. E. W. Johnson: Freedom in America? Harold Hutchison: TUC. A. E. Dyson: A Glance at the „Zeitgeist” (A Plea for Liberal Humanism). С. B. A. Behrens: History and the Üniversity . No. 957, November 1956. Peregrine Worsthome: America’s Crisis of Prosperity. G. F. Hudson: Russian Migration into Asia. Eric Siepmann: An Unorthodox Leftist. UNIVERSITAS CAROLINA (JURIDICA), Praha, Vol. I, No. 1, 1955. J. Pokštefl: Problem definice agrese (Agression, Problem of the Definition). Zđ. Češka: Rozsah prezkoumâvâni rozhodnuti soudu prvé stolice vzhledem к vadâm v obçanskêm soudnim rizeni (The Scope of Re-investigation into Decisions of the First Instance, Concerning Faults in Civil Law Procedure). J. Kind: Sarmatae limigantes. No. 2, 1955. Zd. Jicinsky: Vznik ôeskoslovenského lidovè demokratického prâva a burîoasni théorie „prävni kontinuity” ( The Origin of Czechoslovak People’s Democratic Law and the Bourgeois Theory of „Legal Continuity”). B. Vybiral: К problêmu jednoSinného soubehu trestnych činu (The Problem of the Simultaneous Violation of Several Criminal Laws by One Unlawful Action). D. Fišer: О uztahu mezi vyrobou vyrobnich prostredku a spotrebnich predmetu v souvislosti s pozadavky zakladniho ekonomického zâkona socialismu (The Relationship between the Production of Means of Production and Goods of Consumption in the Light of the Basic Economic Law of Socialism). M. Lakatos: Zäkon jako forma prâva v Seskoslovenské lidové demokracii (Statute as the Source of Law in a People’s Democracy).