Анали Правног факултета у Београду



STUDII SI CERCETARI JURIDICE (Academia Republicii Populäre Romine lnstitutul de Cercetari Juridice), Bucuresti, II anul, No. 2, 1957. Три звездице: Marea Revolutie Socidlista din Octombrie si crearea unui non tip de stat. —I. Ceterchi: Conceptia lenihista đespre stat si démocratie si aplicarea ei creatoare in R.P.R. M. Lepadatescu: Notiunea de putere de stat, in lumina invataturii marxist -léniniste. M. Anghene: Sovietele de deputati ai oamenilor muncii, exempta istoric in construierea organelor locale ale puterii de stat din R.P.R. E. A. Barasch: Arbitrajul de stat institutie specifica a dreptului socialist. V. Economu: Executarea in natura a contractelor economice, consecinta a caracterului planifient al économie! socialiste. Y. Eminescu: Semnele de identificare a produsëlor si producatoruhü un mijloc de lupta pentru calitate, in dreptul socialist. C. F litan: Raspunderea materiala limitata, institutie specifica dreptului socialist. —S. Zilberstain: Principale democratice die dreptului procesual civil sovietic cucerire a Marii Revolutii Socialiste din Octombrie. V. Dongoroz: Rolul Procuratorii in apararea legalitatii populäre. M. I. Eremia: Dreptul inovatorului. l. Miller: Unele problème in legatura eu desfacerea contractului de munca de cotre cel ce angajeaza. N. Dascovici: Despre régula unanimitatii sau asa-zisul drept de veto in lucrarile Consiliului de Securitate. N. Prisca: Cetatenia in R.P.R. SWISS REVIEW OF WORLD AFFAIRS (A Monthly Publication of the „Neue Zürcher Zeitung”), Zürich, Vol. VIII, No. 7, October 1958. Albert Müller: Americans and Britons. Victor Meier: Krushchev’s Communism at Home. Arnold Hottinger: Iraq and Egypt Two Stages of the Arab Revolution. Max Beer: Israel and the United Nations. E. F. Aschinger: Swiss Capital Export Problems. No. 8, November 1958. Albert Müller: De Gaulle on the Eve of the Elections. Fred Luchsinger: The New German Armed Forces. Eric Mettler: Fisheries and Territorial Waters (Britain’s Dispute With Iceland). E. F. Aschinger: Europe’s Economic Community Underway. Silvio Schädler Reed: Changing Perspective on Spain. Rico Ldbhardt: Recent Developments in Argentina. Hans E. TUtsch: Pope Pius XII. No. 9, December 1958. Urs Schwarz: The Struggle for Disarmament. Fred Luchsinger: Reunification (A Risky Topic of Debate in Germany). Hans E. Tütsch: A Report on Turkey. Arnold Hottinger: Egypt’s „Liberation Province” (Another Planning Failure). Christoph v. Fürrer-Haimendorf: The West and the Underdeveloped Countries. SYNTHESES (Revue internationale), Bruxelles, 13 e année, No. 14.9, Octobre 1958. Maurice Lambilliotte: L’Homme et l’Atome. Guy de Bosseliere; Lettre à J. P. Sartre sur la non-violence. Robert Desprechins: Il faut repenser notre commerce extérieur avec l’lnde. No. 150, Novembre 1958. —L. Verniers: Colloque Orient-Occident (Bruxelles 1958). Bammate: Points de contact entre pensé occidentale et orientale. Calo: Sur la pensée chinoise. A. Clausse: Critères de la vérité objective. B. Dhingra: Comment l’Orient approche ses problèmes. Kotarbinski: Qu’est-ce que rationaliser? J. Pirenne: Recherchons un humanisme commun. R. Godel: Au seuil d’une science nouvelle de l’homme. —F. Zuckerkandl: A la recherche d’une méthode. WELTWIRTSCHAFTLICHES ARCHIV (Zeitschrift des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel), Band 80, H. 2, 1958. Friedrich Bülow: Johann Heinrich von Thünen als forstwirtschaftlicher Denker. Pedro С. M. Teichert: Towards a Synthesis of Theory and Policy in Latin American Development cd Economics The Dynamics of the Economic Policy Revolution in the Transformation of the Periphery. Herbert Timm: Der Zahlungsbilanzausgleich bei beweglichem Zins. Werner Gatz: Zur Frage