Анали Правног факултета у Београду



rezivanje. М. Drašković: Indeks сепа kao merilo kretanja cena na trzislu. P. Krasulja: Terilprijalno uporedivanie indeksa troškova života i realnih plata. Dr. V. Radmilović : Argentinski zakon o obrazovanju i ustrojstvu poreskog suda.

СТРАНИ ЧАСОПИСИ ACTA JURIDICA ( Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae), Budapest, 1960, Tomas 11, Fase. I —2. M. Vilagi: Die Eigentumsformen und die Gliederung des sozialistischen Rechtssystems. M Sarlos: La fin de la propriété foncière féodale en Hongrie. A. Czizmadia: Die Auswirkungen der ~Bulle” von Konstanz auf die Entwicklung des Oberpatronaisrechts. T. Kirily: La présomption d innocence. - Z. Péteri: Gustav Radbrach and einige Fragen der relativistischen Rechtsphilosophie. Fase. 3 — 4. J. Beér: The Normative Character of the Constitution of the Hungarian People’s Republic. L. Nevai: Die Grundsätze des zivilrechtlichen Verfahrens im sozialistischen Ungarn. M. Màra: Les actes défectueux de procédure pénale dans le droit hongrois. A. Wellner: Rechtsverhältnisse kollektiven Charakters und ihre moralischen Sanktionen im sozialistischen Arbeitsrecht. T. Pap: Die Bedeutung der Willensmängel aus dem Gesichtspunkt der Ungültigkeit der Ehe im Familienrecht der Volksdemokratien. Cif. Haraszti: The Right of Asylum. L. Nad: Règles de responsabilité dans le droit des coopératives agricoles de production. THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW (The Journal of the American Economic Association), Menasha (Wise.), Vpi. L, No. 4, September 1960. A. W. Coats: The First Two Decades of the American Economic Association. R. Dorfman: Operations Research. H. B. Chenery: Patterns of Industrial Growth. D. A. Alhadeff: Credit Controls and Financial Intermediaries. No. 5. December 1960. G. H. Orcutt: Simulation of Economic System. M Shubik: Simulation of Industry and Firm. G. P. E. Clarkson and H. A. Simon: Simulation of Croup Behavior. R. L. Bishop: Duopoly Collusion or Warfare? D. C. Davies: Progressiveness of a Sales Tax. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW (Published by American Association for the Comparative Study of Law), Ann Arbor (Mich.), Vol. IX, No. 2, Spring 1960. /. N. D. Anderson: The Significance of Islamic Law in the World Today. G. R. Delaume: Gold and Currency Clauses in Contemporary International Loans. P. K. Tripathi: Preventive Detention The Indian Experience. V. M. Grol: The Conditions of Aliens and the Conflict of Laws in the Yugoslav Law of Succession. G. L. Kock: Criminal Proceedings in France. No. 3, Summer 1960. E. Stein and P. Hay: Legal Remedies of Enterprises in the European Economic Community. K Grzybowski: The Powers Trial and the 1958 Reform of Soviet Criminal Law- ■— A. E. Anton: L'instruction criminelle, /. F. Burton, Jr.: The Uniform Commercial Code and Conflict of Laws. G. Baracs: Dissolution of Marriage in Hungarian Law. C, D. M. Wilde: Investment in Thailand. G, G. Morgan: The ~Protest” of the Soviet Procuracy A Means of Challenging Subordinate Legislation. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (Published by the American Society of International Law), Washington, Vol. 54, No. 3, July 1960. Q. Wright: Subversive Intervention. J. L. Kunz: The Nottebohm Judgment. F. A. Mann: State Contracts and Stale Responsibility. W. E. Kenworthy: Joint Development ■of International Waters.