Анали Правног факултета у Београду



malion and the Future of Capitalism. J. T. Caff: A Generalisation of the MultiplierAccelerator Model. D. Hambers and C. L. Schultze: Autonomous versus Induced Investment The Interrelatedness of Parameters in Growth Models. N. Labia: Price Velocity and Dynamics. - R. Purvey: Some Economic Features of the London Cab Trade. W. Rosenberg: Capital Imports and Growth Foreign Investment in New Zealand, 1840 — 1958. E. B. Butler: Auction Prices Estimated and Realised. C. R. Fischer: Some Factors Influencing Share Prices. ECONOMICA (The London School of Economics and Political Science), Vol. XXVIII, No. 109, February 1961. E. J. Mishan: Theories of Consumer’s Behaviour. P. Newman: Approaches to Stability Analysis. E. H. Phelps Brown and S. V. Hopkins: Seven Centuries of Wages and Prices Some Earlier Estimates. R. C. O. Matthews: Liquidity Preference and the Multiplier. R. V. Eagly: Sir James Sleuart and the „ Aspiration Effect". Lord Robbins: Hayek on Liberty. ENCOUNTER, London, Vol. XVI, No. 1, January 1961. Ph. Williams: The Algerian Tragedy. • A. Toynbee: Lewis Namier, Historian. No. 2, February 1961. ■ —• C. A. R. Crosland: New Moods, Old Problems —On Politics in the Welfare State. - C. Lévi — Strauss: ~T ristes Tropiques" (From an Anthropologist's Memoirs). No. 3, March 1961. Th. Draper: Castro's Cuba. EUROPA — ARCHIV (Halbmonatsschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik), Bonn, 16. Jg-, 1961, No. 1. C. Montague Woodhouse: Apartheid, das Problem Südafrikas. No. 2. W. Treue: Atlantik und Pazifik im Widerstreit. - E. Biorkund: Die Seekriegführung im Zeitalter globaler Strategie. A. I, ]eremenko: Die strategische und politische Bedeutung von Militärstützpunkten. No. 3. N. Weiter: Die Konsolidierung der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft. W. Cambell Balfour: Die britische Arbeiterbewegung und die atomare Bewaffnung. G. W. Rehm: Die Internationale Zivilluftfahrt-Organisation (IC АО), ihre Probleme, ihre Aufgaben und ihr Wirken. No-. 5. W. Schütze: Das Algerien-Problem vor der Lösung? W. Fischer: Der Deutsche Zollverein, die Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeneinscahft und die Freihandelszone. No. 6. H. Furier: Die Pariser EWC-Konferenz Fortschritt oder Rückschritt für Europa? ■ — O. Emminger: Wirtschaftswachstum ohne Inflation. —G. Rohnfelder: Eine europäische Konsularkonvention? FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Published by Council on Foreign Relations), New York, Vol. 39, No. 2, January 1961. A. Eden: The Slender Margin of Safety. M. D. Taylor: Security Will Not Wait. - f. M. Domenach: The French Army in Politics. W. Brandt: The Means Short of War. F. C. Iklé ; After Detection What? C. B. Luce: Italy After One Hundred Years. L. 5. Senghor: West Africa in Evolution. A. C. Neal: New Economic Policies for the West. B. W. Jackson: India on the Eve of Its Third Plan. G. A. Morgan: Planning in Foreign Affairs. N. M. Shamuyarira: The Camming Showdown in Central Africa. P. B. Anderson: The Orthodox Church in Soviet Russia. —• A. R. Field: Strategic Development in Sinkiang. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Under the Auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs). Eondon, Vol. 36, No. 4, October 1960. C. E. Carrington: Frontiers in Africa. 5. H. Frankel: Economic Aspects of Political Independence in Africa. L. P. Mair: Social Change in Africa. G. M. Carter: Multi-Racidism in Africa. B. T. G. Chidzero: African Nationalism in East and Central Africa. A. Cohen: The New Africa and the United Nations.