Анали Правног факултета у Београду



между стоимостью уничтоженной вещи и расходами, вызванными покупкой новой вещи того же рода и качества. Проценты по займу, уплачиваемые причинителем вреда, в данном случае исчислялись бы только за оставшийся отрезок времен'! пригодности к пользованию уничтоженной вещи. Приводя существующие замечания по поводу каждой из указанных точек зрения, автор приходит к выводу, что проблему возмещения „новым взамен старого” необходимо решать с учетом всех принципов, существующих для возмещения порчи, а также факторов, влияющих на определение размера возмещения.

SUMMARY Assessment of the Compensation for Total Damage of a Used Item (The Problems » New for Old«) The author considers the case of the compensation for damage in the form of the »New for Old«. Having pointed out the difficulties accompanying this case of compensation, he comments the standpoints advanced by the legal theory as the propositions for its solution. Under one standpoint, the possibility of enrichment of the damaged should be consciously accepted, and the debtor should be compulsed to buy a new item for the old one that has been destroyed, because this is a fair solution. According to an other standpoint, the real damage should be calculated on the principle of conscientiousness and honour in the law, taking into account the degree of the wear of the damaged item. And finally, according to the third approach the damaged should be compensated by the real (market) value of the used item, and by giving interest to make possible a loan to the amount of the difference between the value of the destroyed item and the expenses of the purchase of the new item of the same kind. The interest to the loan, to be borne by the debtor, would be calculated only for the remaining time of the use of the destroyed item. Having mentioned the objections raised to every one of these approaches, the author concludes that the problem of compensation of damage in the form of the »New for Old« should be resolved from the point of view of all the principles valid for compensation of damage, and the factors influencing assessment of the amount of compensation.

RÉSUMÉ L’évolution de l’indemnité pour le dommage total de la chose utilisée (le problème du »neuf pour le vieux«} L'auteur traite le cas de l’indemnité sous forme de »neuf pour le vieux«. Après avoir souligné les difficultés qui accompagnent le cas de l'indemnité, il a indiqué les différentes conceptions qui sont exposées dans la théorie juridique en tant que propositions pour trouver sa solution. D'après une concep-