Анали Правног факултета у Београду



например, „для общего пользования” или „за добро всего человечества”. Такая неопределенность формулировки отвечает интересам сильных государств; 4. Процесс создания норм, ограничивающих экспансионистические тенденции, являются процессом длительным и сложным. Для сравнения укажем, что значительно проще сослаться на правила, допускающие распшрение областей, над которыми государства могут осуществлять свои суверенные права.

SUMMARY On the legal regime of objects of international law There are no aspects of international relations or international law that do not ultimately impinge on the vexed problem of sovereignty. This is true also for the evolutionary processes occurring within the international community, particularly the growing interdependence of its members. The broadening of existing, and development of new forms of cooperation among states leads to more international treaties, that is, rules of international law. Since each rule imposes restraints on members: behaviour, sovereignty is obviously affected, despite the well-recognized reluctance of states to accept what they view as a decrease of sovereign rights. Within the framework of these conflicting tendencies another appears; paralleling the decrease of substantive sovereignty, there is a trend towards an increase in the scope or breadth of sovereignty, an expansion of the area within which there may be exercise of sovereign rights. An analysis of the rules most relevant for determining the legal régime of various objects of international law (internal waters, territorial sea, contiguous zone, high seas, continental shelf, air space, outer space, Arctic and Antarctica), and a survey of their development, leads to certain conclusions; 1. Territories currently recognized by international law as areas of exclusive sovereignty are being enlarged; concomitantly, not only do states show unwillingness to renounce such sovereignty but they are recalcitrant even over disputed areas; 2. At least regarding certain sovereign rights, the legal régime of areas where no state can exercise exclusive sovereignty are such that expansion of sovereignty is possible; 3. There is imprecise definition of the legal régime of areas where no state can exercise exclusive sovereignty, especially taking into accout provisions like »for übe by all«« or »for the benefit of all mankind«; this vagueness favours the more powerful states; 4. The law-making process for rules that impose restraint upon expansionist tendencies is long and involved; in comparison, it is much simpler to invoke provisions permitting enlargement of areas over which states may exercise their sovereign rights.

RÉSUMÉ Le régime Juridique des objets du droit international Il n'y a guère de questions des rapports internationaux ou du droit international qu’on ne puisse réduire, en définitive, aux problèmes qui se rattachent à la notion de souveraineté. Cela se rappote également au processus de l’évolution qui a lieu dans la communauté internationale et surtout en ce qui concerne l’accroissement de l’interdépendance de ses membres. L'existence et le développement des nouvelles formes de collaboration entre les Etats a pour conséquence l'augmentation du nombre des conventions internationales, c’est-à-dire un plus grand nombre de normes du droit international. Vu que toute norme impose certaines restrictions aux membres, il s’ensuit que leur