Анали Правног факултета у Београду

of proselytism and sometimes aggressive or criminal acting of particular new religious groups and sects, have aroused concern among some West European states and European institutions, especially the Council of Europe, so that more attention is going to be paid to the question of legal regulation of abuse of religious freedom. On the other side, the author draws attention to the recent International Religious Freedom Act of 1998. Although it represents a national legal act of the USA, because of the nature of the mechanism of sanctions, it has essentially international implications. Its aim is Rill attainment of religious freedoms in the world and especially prevention of imposing limitations on the freedom of activity of new religious movements through the national legislations. In the second part the author points that there is a complete loophole in regulation of religious freedom in the legal system of the Republic of Serbia and FRY, particularly since the Law on the Legal Position of Religious Communities (1977) was revoked in 1993, The author points out that the future legislator will be confronted with contradictory demands: to ensure full freedom of religious convictions in keeping with the latest international requirements, on the one hand, but also, on the other hand, to prevent abuse of religious freedom, which is often the case not only in this country. He sees the solution primarily in the positive measures taken by the state (introduction of religious instruction in schools, chaplancy in the army, religious assistence in prisons, hospitals and old age homes, improving media information, denationalization of church property so as to strenghten its ability to defend the existing religious convictions, more effective application of the existing legal mechanisms). Resorting to special legislative measures in criminal law is to be avoided, nevertheless developement in some Western European countries could lead to this effect in the near future. Key words: Religious freedom. Proselytise. Sects. lnternational Religious Freedom Act of 1988.

Sima Avramovic

Liberte de confession et ses abus - aspects Historiques et juridiques actuels Resume

Dans la premiere partie de son travail I'auteur analyse I'liistorique de la faqon dont a ete reglee la liberte de confession, ainsi que les abus de ce droit, aussi bien sur le plan du droit international que national. Une attention tout particuliere est attachee a I'historique du reglement de ce probleme dans le droit international, dont I'evolution est allee d'une garantie initiale que mil

* Dr. Sima Avramovic, profcsscur a la Facultc dc droit de I'Universitc dc Belgrade.


Сима Аврамовић, Верска слобода и њена злоупотреба (стр. 346-364)