Анали Правног факултета у Београду

drustava, Udruzenje pravnika u privredi Republike Srbije, Beograd 2015 9 )

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Velasco, J., „The Fundamental Rights of the Shareholder" University of California Davis Law Review 40/2006.

Weiss, E. J., „The Law of Take Out Mergers: A Historical Perspective", New York University Law Review 56/1981.

Wertheimer, B. M., „The Purpose of the Shareholders’Appraisal Remedy", Tennessee Law Review 65! 1998.

Zabriskie, F. 1., „Appraisal Statutes - An Analysis of Modem Trends", Virginia Law Review 38/1952.

Mirko Vasiljevic,

>, PhD

Full Professor

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law

Vuk Radovic,

5, PhD, LL.M. (University of Pittsburgh)

Associate Professor

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law

Theoretical foundations of shareholders’ right to appraisal Summary

Shareholders’ right to appraisal represents a controversial topic of corporation law, which is why a relatively small number of countries accept it. In this article, the authors analyze the goals that are supposed to be achieved with the introduction of shareholders’ appraisal rights. In this respect, traditional and modern explanations for the introduction or maintaining of this right have been presented. In the second part of this article, shareholders’ right to appraisal has been critically examined, mostly from corporations’ perspective. .Afterwards, several potential causes of ineffi-


Анали Правног факултета у Београду; година LXV, 3/2017