Анали Правног факултета у Београду

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Wehland, H., ,Jntra-EU Investment Agreements and .Arbitration: Is European Community Law an Obstacle? 44 The International and Comparative Law Quarterly 58(2)/2009.

Weiss, F. Steiner, S., „The investment regime under Article 207 of the TFEU - a legal conundrum: the scope of "foreign direct investment’ and the future of intra-EU BITs 44 , Investment Law within International Law Integrationist Perspectives (ed. Freya Beatens), Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Wessel, A. R., Blockmans, S., „Between Autonomy and Dependence; The EU Legal Order Under the Influence of International Organisations - .An Introduction 44 , Between Autonomyand Dependence. The EU Legal Order Under The Influence of International Organisations (eds. R.A. Wessel, S. Blockmans), T.M.C. .Asser Press - Springer, The Hague 2013.


Анали Правног факултета у Београду; година LXV, 3/2017