Анали Правног факултета у Београду

третира као облик експлоатације у оквиру инкриминације трговине људима, али се тршвина органима (ткивима и ћелијама), као посебна криминална делатност, забрањује и инкриминише у посебним законима који регулишу проблематику трансплантације људских органа (ткива, ћелија).


Ambagtsheer, R, Weimar, W., „А criminological perspective: why prohibition of organ trade is not effective and how the Declaration of Istanbul can move forward”, American Journal of Transplantation 12(3)/2012.

Bowden J., Reeling empty? Organ trafficking & Trade: the black market for human organs”, Intercultural Human Rights Law Review 8/2013.

Budiani D., „Facilitating Organ Transplants in Egypt; An .Analysis of Doctors’ Discourse”, Body and Society 13(2)/2007.

Columb, S., ,(Beneath the organ trade: a critical analysis of the organ trafficking discourse”, Crime Law Social Change 63(1)/2015.

Council of Europe, Committee of experts on the organisational aspects of co-operation in organ transplantation, „International Figures on Organ Donation and Transplantation - 2007”, Newsletter Transplant 2008 (ed. Rafael Matesanz), 2008.

Council of Europe and United Nations, Trafficking in organs, tissues and cells and trafficking in human beings for the purpose of the removal of organs, 2009.

Delmonico F. L., „The implications of Istanbul Declaration on organ trafficking and transplant tourism”, Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation 14(2)/2009.

Derco, L. M., „.America’s Organ Donation Crisis: How Current Legislation Must be Shaped by Successes Abroad”, Journal of Contemporary Health Law & Policy 27(1)/2010.

European Parliament, Directorate-general for external policies, Trafficking in human organs (Study), Policy department, EP/EXPO/B/DROI/ FWC/2013-08/LotB/03, 2015.

Gunnarson, M., Lundin, S., „The Complexities of Victimhood: Insights from the Organ Trade”, Somatechnics 5(l)/2015.

Halewood, P, „On Commodification and Self-Ownership”, Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 20(2)/2008.


Анали Правног факултета у Београду; година LXV, 3/2017