

■ Posle višegodišnjeg razmišljanja beogradsko avangardno pozorište Atelje 212 ostvariće prvi put Beogradski internacionalni teatarski festiva! od 8. septembre do 30. septembre 1967. godine. Festival je zamišljen kao smotra novih pozorišnih tendencija u svetu. BITEF 212 nema gotovu formulu novih pozorišnih tendencija pod koju žeii da podvede sve učesnike festivala, ali je sigurno da nove pozorišne tendencije nisu jučerašnja avangarda, već pozorište budućnosti. BITEF 212 bi želeo da sve one trupe koje u ovom trenutku istinski tragaju za novim sadržajima i formama sretnu se tokom septembre u Beogradu i prikažu šta smatraju novim u vremenu u kome živimo.

B BITEF 212 se ne ograničava na trupe kamernog karaktera n iti iskljuóuje moguónost da jedan umetnik prikaže svoju viziju teatra. BITEF 212 ima otvorena vrata za pozorišta svih nacija, pružajući svakoj zemlji učesnici moguónost da prikaže svoje shvatanje novih tendencija u svetu pozorišta.

" Predviđeno je učešće do deset pozorišnih trupa iz različitih zemaija, ali nije isključena moguónost da iz jedne zemlje uóestvuje veci broj trupa, ukoliko u toj zemlji postoje razlióite tendencije koje treba prikazati na festivalu. U torn smisiu učešće na festivalu nije reprezentativno, veó svaka trupa pre svega predstavlja sebe samu i svoje shvatanje umetnostì.


, . , After some years of consideration the Belgrade avantgarde theatre Atelje 212 has decided to hold a Belgrade International Theatre Festival (BITEF 212). from September 8 to September 30, 1967. The festival is conceived as a rally of new theatrical trends throughout the world, BITEF 212 does not wish to impose a ready formulae of new theatnca! trend on participants of the festival, but it is certain that new thea"„ denc,| es are, not the avantgarde of yesterday, but the theatre of tomorrow. BllfcF 212 would like all the groups who are truly seeking for new contents and forms I ve m n m em^er ' n Belgrade, and show what they consider new in the time we

BITEF 212 does not limit itself to the little type of theatre group, nor does it exclude the possibility of an artist presenting his own vision of the theatre. BITEF 212 has an open door for the theatres of all nations offering each participating country the opportunity of presenting its conception of the new trends in the world of the theatre. Up to ten theatrical groups from each country are expected, but the presence of a larger number of groups from a particular country is not excluded, if such country possesses different trends all of which should be presented at the Festival. In this isspect participation at the Festival is not intended to be representative, but each qrouo wil' represent its own conception of art. a H