
povodom četvrtog bitefa 70

4 Bitef 70, koji je i ovog puta posvećen nov i m pozor i š n i m tendencijama, u okviru ove svoje sire orljentacije ima specijalnu temu Klas i k a n a nač i n 1970. Kao i obično, Bitef ni je ovu temu nametnuo kao apriornu temu na osnovu koje je pravio izbor, već se prilikom izbora predstava sa 4 Bitef 70 pokazalo da se najznačajnije predstave ove sezone u svetu stvaraju bilo na tekst klasičnih deia Hi bar kao varijacija na klasične terne. Tako su se na repertoaru 4 Bitefa 70 našli anonimni engleski pisac » Ardena od Feveršama« s kraja XVI veka, Diderot, Büchner, Čehov, Sofokle, Strindberg i Racine, a i savremeni pisci koji variraju klasične terne Nemci Heiner Müller na Sofoklovog » Filokteta *, Peter Handke na povest o Kasparu, a Iranac Naalbandian na persijske legende.

Karakteristično je da upravo tema Klas i k a na nač i n 70 okuplja u Beogradu najveće reditelje pojedinih zemalja kao što su David Esrig, Liviu Ciulei, Otomar Krejča, Hans Lietzau, Ingmar Bergman i Roger Planchon.

Bitef ovog septembre pokušava da svoju publiku upozna sa umetnošću izvan evropskog kulturnog kruga: južnoameričko moderno pozorište preko Argentine i azijsko preko Irana. U želji da i dalje prikazuje umetnosti koje se dodiruju i utiču na dramsku umetnost, ovogodišnji Bitef se otvara predstavom Contemporary Dance Theatre iz Londona, kao pokušajem totalnog pozorišta na bazi baleta.

on the occasion of 4 bitef 70

4 Bitef 70, although once again dedicated to new theatrical tendencies, has this year within its wider topic a special theme which we called Classics with a 1970 look. /As usually, Bitef did not impose this as the preconcieved theme on the basis of which the most significant performances of this season were created either on the texts of classical authors or as variations on classical themes. Thus, the repertory of 4 Bitef 70 shall encombass classical authors like the annonymous English writer of »Arden of Feversham« from the end of XVI century, Diderot, Büchner, Chekhov, Sophocles,Strindberg and Racine, and contemporary playwrights who use classical themes Heiner Müller of Germany with a variation on Sophocles' »Philoctet«, and his compatriot Peter Handke on the story of Kaspar, and Abbas Naalbandian of Iran whose theme is Persian legends.

It is significant that just this theme —Classics with a 1970 look brings to Belgrade the greatest directors from various countries, names like David Esrig, Liviu Ciulei, Otomar Krejča, Hans Lietzau, Ingmar Bergman and Roger Planchon.

It is Bitef s aim to present this year to its audience the art outside the limits of the European artistic circles: South-american contemporary theatre through Argentina and Asiatic through Iran. In its wish to go on showing arts which border and influence the dramatic arts, this year’s Bitef shall open with a performance of London Contemporary Dance Theatre, as an attempt towards total theatre based on ballet.