
the pip simmons theatre group do it!... scenarios of the revolution

'To call upon Rubin was in effect to call upon the most militant, unpredictable, creative therefore dangerous hippie-orientated leader available on the new left’. (Norman Mailer) A new generation of people who are freaky, crazy, irrational, sexy, angry, irreligious, childish, and mad. PEOPLE who burn draft cards and dollar bills PEOPLE who burn MA and doctorial degrees PEOPLE who say: To hell with your goals' PEOPLE who lure the youth with music, pot and LSD PEOPLE who proudly carry Viet Kong flags PEOPLE who redefine reality, who redefine the norm PEOPLE who wear funny costumes PEOPLE who see property as theft PEOPLE who say 'fuck' on television PEOPLE who break with the status-role-title-consumer game PEOPLE who have nothing to lose but their bodies. (Jerry Rubin) Do It! by Jerry Rubin, introduction by Eldridge Cleaver (Jonathan Cape, 355.). Disjointed mixture of crude slogans and garbled philosophy by the American white revolutionary, endorsed by the American black revolutionary. No doubt Mr. Rubin is sincere in his disgust at the smug established order, but this kind of ranting will hardly help him. Illustrated. (Sunday Times Book Review) Tventy years of comic strips were twenty years of surrealist seed’. (Norman Mailer) 'Those who would make peaceful revolution make violent revolution inevitable'. (John F. Kennedy) It is time for Amerika's children to start killing and dying for themselves and stop exporting the revolution and the deaths that we must die. Off the pigs.' (Eldridge Cleaver)

Ben Bazell Chris Jordan Lu Jeffery

uradi t 0!... scenariji revolucije

Pozvati se na Rubina u stvari je značilo pozvati se na najborbenijeg, najoriginalnijeg, najkreativnijeg i zato najopasnijeg hipi-orijentisanog lidera koji se može naći u novoj levici’ (Norman Maj ler) Jedna nova generacija ljudi koji su ćudljivi, ludi, iracionalni, seksi, ljutiti, nereligiozni, detinjasti i ludi. LJUDI koji spaljuju vojne knjižice i dolarske novčanice LJUDI koji spaljuju doktorske i druge diplôme LJUDI koji kažu: ’Do davola sa ciljevima’ LJUDI koji zaiuđuju mlade muzikom, pušenjem droga i LSD-ijem LJUDI koji s ponosom nose zastave Viet Konga LJUDI koji daju nove definicije realnosti i normi LJUDI koji nose čudnu odeću LJUDI koji u vlasništvu vide lopovluk LJUDI koji kažu ’Jebi se’ na televiziji LJUDI koji ne žele da igraju igru status-uloga-titula-potrošač LJUDI koji nema šta drugo da izgube sem svoja tela (Džeri Rubin) Učini! napisao Jery Rubin, uvod Eldridge Cleaver (Jonathan Cape, 355.) Nepozvana mešavina grubih parola i probrane filosofije američkog belog revolucionara, koju je odobrio crni američki revolucionar. Van svake sumnje je da je gospodin Rubin iskren u svom gađenju prema lažno učvršćenom poretku, ali ovakva vrsta gromopucatelstva mu neće mnogo pomoći. Ilustrovano. (Sunday Times Book Review) ’Dvadeset godina komičnih zabavnika predstavljaju dvadeset godina nadrealističkog semena.’ (Norman Mailer) ’Oni koji bi žeieli da sprovedu mirnu revoluciju dovode neizbežno do žestokih revolucija.’ (John F. Kennedy) ’Vreme je da američka deçà počnu da übijaju i umiru za sebe a prestanu da izvoze revoluciju i smrt kojom mi moramo da umremo. Gubite se svinje. Eldridge Cleaver (Eldridž Kliver)

’come sleep with us’

1) An immediate end to the war in Vietnam ... 2) Immediate freedom for Huey Newton of the Black Panthers and all other black people. Adoption of the community control concept in our ghetto areas ... 3) The legalisation of marijuana and all other psychedelic drugs ... 4) A prison system based on the concept of rehabilitation rather than punishment. 5) Abolition of all laws related to crimes without victims. That is, retention only of