Битеф, 01. 01. 1971., стр. 6
svestan da slobodan odnos prema form! i njeno razbijanje istovremeno znači bavljenje sadržajima i njihovo razvijanje. Ne želeći da kanonizuje temu strogim izborom i liši publiku dragocenih informacija o nekim značajnim predstavama u svetu, neke predstave 5. BlTEFA ne bi se mogle strogo podvesti pod temu slobodnih formi 1971. godine, ali će sigurno služiti kao dobar kontrast i prilog saznanjima šta se u pojedinim sredinama smatra novim pozorišnim tendencijama. • This year’s BITEF is dedicated to the free forms 71. Like last year, when the theme was The Classics with a 1970 Look, it was not chosen a priori it resulted from best performances representing new theatrical tendencies in the contempory world. What exactely are free forms 71 will be known after the confrontation of al performances in September, and their encounter with BITEF audience. However, it is already obvious that the free treatment of theatrical form characterizes most performances of fifth BITEF, and is visible as destruction of form: of acting space ' a great number of this year’s performances at BITEF is to be shown in spaces other than orthodox theatre stage à l’italienne: in the street, a garage, an abandoned church, old air-shelter, Socialist Union meeting room, sports hall, film studio, etc. of literary theatre as opposed to fourth BITEF when most performances had classical texts of dramatic literature for basis, this year’s performances are characterized by a great number of shows where the text is of secondary importance and which has been written by a group of authors (Le Grand Magic Circus, Pip Simmons, Pupilija Ferkeverk, The Ridiculous Theatrical Company. Théâtre du Soleil) or annonymous playwrights, of acting most performances of fifth BITEF have a characteristical attitude to the character and to the classical method of creating the character, whether it has its consistency or the actor plays a series of different roles throughout the play, or whether it does not at all consider the problem of dramatical character. Although when choosing the theme of Fifth BITEF 71 the emphasis was on the form, BITEF is aware that free handling of form and its destruction means, at the same time, getting involved into the contents, in order to avoid cannonizing the theme of Fifth BITEF by strict choice and depriving the audience of precious information about important performances in the world, some of them could not be strictly classified under the theme of free forms 1971, but will surely serve as a good contrast. 6 Le BITEF est cette année consacré aux formes libres 71. Comme I année dernière, où le thème a été les Classiques à la manière de 1970, le thème n’a pas été choisi a priori mais il s’est imposé par les meilleurs spectacles des tendances nouvelles dans le théâtre mondial. Qu'est-ce que c’est au fait les formes nouvelles 71? C’est la confrontation de tous les spectacles en septembre qui donnera la réponse, ainsi que les rencontres avec le public du BITEF. S'il est dès maintenant évident que le rapport libre avec la forme théâtrale est caractéristique pour la majorité des spectacles du Ve BITEF, on peut encore le confirmer par ses manifestations concrètes telles que: éclatement de la forme de l’espace scénique de nombreux spectacles du BITEF cette année sont prévues pour être joués hors de la scène, à l'italienne: dans la rue, dans un garage, église abandonnée ou ancien abri, dans un bureau de l'Union socialiste ou bien