ustap i mesec Shite SLEPAC Ado PROLAZNIK Slepac odlazi sam da posmatra mesečinu u noći 15 Avgusta, koja se smatra najboijom u godini za posmatranje mesečine. Kako ne može da vidi mesec, sluša zvukove različitih insekata. Proiaznik koji je izišao da posmatra mesečinu ugleda Siepca i pita ga ita radi. Počinju da razgovaraju, jedan drugom recituju pesme, i Proiaznik nudi Slepcu piće. Što vise piju, više se sprijateljuju. Pevaju i igraju jedan za drugog, i konačno odiaze svaki svojim putem, delujuéi kao veliki prijatelji i u srećnom raspoloženju. Proiaznik odlučuje da malo preplaši Siepca, on se vraća i namerno naleti na njega, oni se svađaju, Proiaznik sruši Siepca na zemlju i beži. Siepac tužno traži svoj štap, ustaje, i nastavlja put svojoj kući, razmišljajući kako je dobar bio onaj prvi čovek a kako je surov bio ovaj drugi, neznajući da je i dobri i surovi čovek jedna te ista osoba.
tsukimizato Shite BLIND MAN Ado PASSER-BY A Blind Man goes out mono-viewing alone on the night of August 15th which is considered the best night of the year for moon-viewing. Since he can't see the moon, he enjoys himself listening to the sounds of various insects. A Passer-by who has come out moonviewing sees the Blind Man, and asks him what he is doing. They begin talking, exchange poems, and the Passer-by offers the Blind Man a drink. The more they drink, the more friendly they get. They sing and dance for each other, and finally they go their separate ways, seemingly fast friends and in a happy mood. The Passer-by decides to tease the Blind Man a little, so he goes back and bumps into him on purpose, they argue, and the Passer-by throws the Blind Man down, and runs off. The Blind Man sadly searches for his cane, picks himself up, and continues on his way home, musing about how nice the first man was, and how cruel the
second was. Not knowing all the while that both the friendly man and the cruel one were the same person.
privezan za motku Shite TARO KAJA Ado GAZDA Koado JIRO KAJA Taro Kaja i Jiro Kaja su veliki fjubitelji sakea i njihov gazda je čuo da oni uvek kradu njegov sake i opijaju se kada on nije kod kuée. Smisi io je plan kako da ih ovoga puta onemogući da dođu do njegovog sakea. On poziva Jiro Kaja i moli ga da učestvuje u prevari Taro Kaje i da ga privežu za motku. Jiro Kaja nevoijno pristaje i pozivaju Taro Kaja moleći ga da im demonstri ra upotrebu motke u samoodbrani. On je veoma ponosan na svoje sposobnosti u ovoj umetnosti i dok je potpuno zaokupljen prikazivanjem, oni ga hvataju za ruke i vezuju ih za motku naslonjenu na njegov vrat. Jiro Kaja uživa gledajutì Tari Kaja u tom položaju dok gazda puže iza njega i vezuje mu ruke iza leda. On objašnjava zašto je to uradio i iziazi radi nekog posla ili nečeg sličnog. Ovako uvezani, otkrivaju da su ovako još vise žedni nego obično, i odlučuju da se dovuku do podruma i makar pomirišu sake. To ih čini još žednijim. Tiro Kaja dolazi na ideju da uzme veliku zdelu i zahtvati maio sakea, onda pokušava da otpije malo, ali kako ne može da je prinese ustima, pridržava je Jiro Kaja da bi on pio. Kada dođe red na Taro Kaja on prihvati sake zatim stavi punu šolju u ruke Jiro Kaja (koje su uvezane iza leda) spušta se na kolena i pije. Siino se opijaju, pevaju i igraju. Medutim gospodar dolazi kući. On im se prikrada iza leda i oni vide odblesak njegovog lika u šoiji sakea na podu izmedu njih. Misieci da haiuciniraju oni sastavljaju uvredljivu pesmu o gospodaru. Gospodar u strašnom besu tera iz podruma. U Okurinom tekstu gospodin poziva Tao Kaja i moli ga da mu pomogne da smrsi konce Jiro Kaja. Taro Kaja smišlja pian da Jiro Kaja igra sa motkom za koju će ga oni vezati. Gospodar ne objašnjava zašto ih je vezao ali oni pogadaju razlog cirri on ode. Na kraju gospodar tera Taro Kaja od kuće i preti da će premiatiti Jiro Kaja, ali Jiro Kaja se osiobada i juri gospodara vitlajuéi njegov štap. Ostatak je istovetan sa Izumi tekstom.
bo shibari Shite TARO KAJA Ado MASTER Koado JIRÖ KAJA Taro Kaja and Jirö Kaja are great saké lovers and their Master has heard that they always steal his saké and get drunk when he is away from the house. He has hit upon a plan to prevent their getting to the saké this time. He calls Jirö Kaja and asks for his cooperation in tricking Taro Kaja and tying him to a pole. Jirö Kaja reluctantly agrees and they call Taro Kaja and ask him to demonstrate the use of the pole in selfdefense. He is very proud of his ability in this art and while he is completely his hands and tie them to the pole across absorbed in his demonstration, they catch his hands and tie them to the pole acrosse the back of his neck. Jirö Kaja is enjoying Tarò Kaja's plight when the Master sneaks up behind him and ties his hands behind his back. He explains the reason for what he has done and goes out on some business or other. Tied up in this manner, they find they are even thirstier than usual, and decide to go to the saké cellar and at least smell the saké. This makes them still thirstier. Taro Kaja hits upon an idea, gets a huge saké cup and ladies some saké, out, tries to drink it, but since he can’t get it to his mourth, holds it for Jirö Kaja to drink. When it comes Taro Kaja’s turn to drink, he ladles the saké, then puts the full cup in Jirö Kaja’s hands (which are tied behind his back), gets down on his knees and drinks. They get very drunk and are singing and dancing when the Master comes home. He comes up behind them and they see his reflection in the saké cup on the floor between them. Thinking it is a hallucination, they make up an insulting song about the Master. The Master chases them out of the saké cellar in a rage. In the Okura script, the Master calls Taro Kaja and asks him to cooperate in tying Jirö Kaja up. It is Tarò Kaja’s Idea to have Jirö Kaja perform with the stick and to tie him to it. The Master does not explain why he has tied them up, but they immediately guess the reason after he leaves. In the end the Master chases Taro Kaja off, then threatens to beat Jirö Kaja, but Jirö Kaja gets loose and chases the Master off with his stick. The rest is the same as the Izumi script.