
rio, i kako su on i ostrvska zemlja postali jedno, čekajući da se potoci uliju u vrelo. Odjednom, sokolov krik se razleže nebom. Zlatooki, oštrokljuni soko je đavolski duh koji uzbuđuje čoveka i vodi ga do sopstvene propasti. Pod sokolovim prokletstvom, čak i najmlađi i najjači postaju stari i iznemogli. Očajnički Starac požuruje Cuchualina da otplovi sa ostrva pre nego što bude isuviše kasno, ali tvrdoglavi mladi čovek uporno odbija ovaj savet da bi oslabljen pao u dubok san. Soko igra i dok to radi potoci se ulivaju u vrelo. Ali uskoro vrelo ponovo presušuje. Vrelo ostaje usahlo zauvek. Pojavljuje se starčev duh koji otkriva da je tražeći vodu iz vrela potpao pod đavolovo prokletstvo. Govori o svojoj ljutnji i razočarenju, otkrivajući da je njegov duh, nesposoban da napusti vrelo, sada sjedinjen sa ostrvskim stenama. (Mario Yokomichi)

takahime The scene is a solitary island in distant seas. On this rocky, baren island stands the Hawk's Well surrounded by a hazel thicket. The Hawk’ Well is old and dry. There is nothing but the lonely sound of the wind through the trees. As the sun sets, a single sailing ship arrives at the island's shores, and a young man approaches the well. The Rocks prophesy that the young man will lose his dreams, be deprived of hope, and die. When the sun has set, an Old Man appears. It is his wont to linger at the well like this each night, waiting for its waters to return. He stands and recalls an evening of a certain autumn day long ago, when a beautiful maiden had stood silently at the well, her eyes misty and distant. The Old Man inquires about the young man's identity and the young man reveals that he is a Persian prince named Cuchulain who, hearing rumors of this well, has braved the seven seas to visit it. Cuchulain asks the Old Man to guide him to the well so that when the springs flow into it his wishes may be fulfilled. The Old Man first visited the well in the same hopes of fulfillment long, long ago, but all his waiting was for nought and he remained disappointed, for the only time springs flow into the well is the mystical time unknowable by man, and thus each time the springs flowed into the

well, the Old Man succumbed to its magical power and fell into a deep sleep. The Old Man relates how the years passed in this way. how he grew old, died, and became one with the soil of the island, waiting still for the springs to flow into the well. Sudenly, the cry of a hawk is heard in the sky. The golden-eyed, sharp-beaked hawk is an evil spirit that confuses men and leads them to their own destruction. Once under the hawk's spell, even the youngest and stronges are reduced to age and weakness. Desperately the Old Man urges Cuchulain to flee the island before it is too late, but the foolhardy young man staunchly refuses this advice only to weaken and fall into a deep sleep. The Hawk dances and as she does so springs flow into the well. But soon the well goes dry again. The well goes dry forever. The Ghost of the Old Man appears and reveals that because he had sought the waters of the well he had fallen under the evil spell. He speaks of his rage and disappointment, and he reveals that his spirit, unable still to leave the well, has become one with the rocks of the island. (Mario Yokomichi)

komentar TAKAHIME Tokom edo-perioda (1600 —1868), no je zvanlöno pnihvaćen kao dramskl oblik, pa je napisano veoma maio novih komada. Zakoni i običaji nametnuti tokom edo-perloda producili su život No-drame il u dvadesetom veku, .1 mali je broj originaloih no-drama napisan u naSe vreme. Međutim, 1967. Hisao, Hideo, Shizuo Kanze, Mannojo 1 Mansaku Nomura zdrualli su svoje talents sa placent 1 filosofami Mario Yokomichi u želji da obnove potencijalinu snagu noa. Prolzvod njihovih napora je TAKAHIME, adaptaoiija W. B. Jeatsovog komada NA SOKOLOVOM VRELU. Po tradiciji, uloge i funkcije svakog giornea u no-komadu striktno su određene. TAKAHIME. nasuprot, predstavlja pokušaj da se ponovo razmotri prioda uloge ii funkolje svakog glumea, kao i opšteg priiaza no-drami, putem pnivremenog nepoštovanja ovih odredbi.

a commentary Takahime During the Edo period (1600 —1868), Nob became the officially recognized dramatic form of the government, and very few new plays were written. The laws and customs Imposed during the Edo period continued to constrict Noh Into the twentieth century, and very little original Noh has been written In our time either. In 1967, however, Hitsao, Hldeo, and Shizuo Kanze, and Mannojo and Mansaku Nomura combined their talents with author and scholar Mario Yokotnichi to attempt to real ize Noh 's potential anew. The result of their efforts was Takahime, an adaptation of W.B. Yeats' At the Hawk's Well. Traditionally, the roles and functions of each actor in Noh have been strictly patterned. Takahime, in contrast, Is an attempt to reconsider the nature of each actor's role and function as well as the overall approach to Noh by temporarily disregarding these patterns.

biografila HISAO KANZE, reditelj i direkter grupe ZEAMI-ZA 1925. Roden u Tokiju, 12. novembre 1927. Počeo da proučava No sa svojim ocem, Kasetsu Kanze 1929. Prvi javni nastup na No sceni 1932. Prvi put igrao glavnu ulogu (Site) 1945. Počeo rad na stvaranju autentičnog tradicionalnog pozorišta 1 novog pozorišta u jeku opšte klonulosti tradlcionalne drame 1954. Učestvovao na Venecijanskom internacionalnom teatarskom festivalu 1955. Učestvovao u šenbergovom Pierrot Lunaire, pod vođstvom Tetsuji Takechl, izvedenom u amfiteatralnoj sceni 1957. Komponovao muziku, napravio koreografiju i igrao u komadu »Chleko« Kotaro Kakaiinure Učestvovao u Prlčl o vojniku Stravinskog 1959. Režirao 1 igrao u muzičkom komadu Chü'u u kojoj je korišćena tehnika glasa i pokreta kakva se upotrebljava u No dramama 1960. Napravio koreografiju i učestvovao u komadu »Vodena muzika za magnetsku traku« Torn Takemitsu-a. To ]e bio No izvoden uz konkretnu muziku. 1962. Boravio u Parizu kao gost Francos-