Ali tok dogadaja ne ide na ruku Renga Moi. Izbije rat pre nego što on stiže da okonča obred osveóenja bllzanaca. On mora da blra: da li da se bori, spase sete i time prolije krv ili da se povuče, okonča obred, a sete propadne. U prvom slučaju osveta bllzanaca će biti Ilčna. U drugom slučaju razaranje će biti opšte. On se borio i otišao u izgnanstvo. Sete pati od posledica razornog rata. Vrač otkriva plemenu da se medu sedam brda nalaze neposvećeni blizanci. Na kraju Nantumura, glas istine, pronaiazi blizance koje je majka Nakazzi sakrila. Vrač kaže da blizanci moraju biti posveéeni nabijanjem na koplja. To se dešava pred sam povratak Renga Moi, koji se vraća iz rata, I prolazi ceremoniju posveéenja prolaskom kroz mravinjak. Renga Moi zeli da vidi svoje blizance. U prvom trenutku niko ne sme da mu kaže istinu. Kada mu vrač otkriva šta se desilo sa njegovom deoom, on übija vrača.
venga moi synopsis The village of the Seven Hills was going through a period of crisis, threat and instability, when Nakazzi and Renga Moi united and had twins. It was necessary that the ceremony of the purification of the Darkened House be gone through, and the twins pacified before the threat of war from the villages beyond the foothills forced Renga Moi to shed blood and incur the fiery wrath of the twins. But there was no time. For the purificwhile. The father of twins must leave his house and enter a new “darkened house” where he stays alone for some time, in the dark; he has to shave his head and pair his nails for the purity of the twins. And he must not shed blood during this period of waiting. The penalty for breach of traditions is the death of twins by some human alchemy and then the revenge of the twins against their parents. But the trend of events was not in Renga Moi's favour. War broke out before Renga Moi could finish the ceremony of the twins. He had to chose: should he fight, save the vi läge and shed blood? Or should he hide, finish the ceremony of the twins, but lose the village. In the former case the revenge of the twins would be personal. In the latter, the destruction would be universal. He fought and went into exile. The
village suffered the after-effects of a war of destruction. The Deviner revealed to the people that there were unrequited twins In the Seven Hills, and eventually Nantumwa, the voice of truth found the twins where Nakazzi bad hiden them. The Deviner says the twins must be pacified by impalements of the spears. This is done just before Renga Moi returns from the exile of war and goest through the ceremony of purification by passing through an anti-hill. Renga Moi wants to see his twins. At first none dares tell him the truth. When the Deviner reveals what has happened with his children, Renga Moi kills him.
robert serumaga biografski podaoi Robert Serumaga rodio se 6. januara 1939. godine u Ugandi. Posle škoiovanja u Ugandi, od lazi na Trinity Colege u Dablin (Irska), gde sa uspehom završava ekonomiju. Posle dvogodišnjih postdimplomskih studija, vraéa se u Ugandu 1967. godine. Dok je studirao u Dablinu, cesto je pisao priloge za BBC u okviru programa “Afrika u inostranstvu". Svoj prvi roman »Povratak senkama« napisao je joS na univerzitetu 1966. godine, a objavio ga je Heinemann Educational Books i Atheneum Press u Njujorku. Prvo pozorišno delo mu je »Komad« (A Play), koji je prvi put prikazan oktobra 1967. godine, na BBC 3. Zatim je napisao »Slonove«, prikazane u Ugandi, Keniji i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama u Loop City Theater u čikagu. Objavio je niz članaka i pesame u međunarodnim časopisima. Njegovo treće dramsko delo »Madžangva« (Majangwa) prikazan je na festivaiu trećeg sveta u Manili na Filipinima. Poslednji komad mu je »Renga Moi« sija je premijera blla juna 1972. godine. , Sada je Robert Serumaga staimi pisac na Mekerere Univerzitetu u Kampali (Uganda), vodi studio za sramanje ploöa, i svoju trupu Theatre Limited, gde je upravmik, reditelj i glumac. Njegova trupa Ima petnaest članova, osam glomica 1 sedam giumaca. koji su svi sposobni igrači I muzičari. Serumaga je snimio dokumentarni film »Sahrana ser Edvarda Muteze 11, prvog predsedmika Ugande«, i poslednjeg kralja Ugande.
biographical data ROBERT SERUMAGA; Playwright, Director and Male Lead Actor Robert Serumaga was born thirty-two years ago In Uganda. After school in Uganda he was admitted to Trinity Colleg, Dublin wher, for some rason, he graduatd with a B.A. (Honours) in Economics. After two yars of graduate research h returnd to Uganda In 1967. Meanwhil still as a student in Dublin he oontributd frequntly to the 8.8. C. World Service, produced for two years a gadio Programm called “Africa Abroad” for ih Transcription Centre, and dabbled in film-making. In 1966, whil still at University, he wrote his first novel later published by Hienemann Educational Books (London) and Atheneum Pres (New York), under the title “RETURN TO THE SHADOWS”. He followed it up with “A Play” first performed in October 1967, and on 8.8.C.3 and published by UPH. Then came “The Elephants” which played in Uganda, Kenya and the United States of America. He has published a number of articles in international magazines and poetry in Transition. His most recent play “Majangwa” which he broughs to this Festival, of Manila (Philippines) has been acclaimed as a masterpiece and a landmark in African Theatre. ROBERT SERUMAGA is now the Writer-in-Residence at Makerere University, Uganda, runs a sound recording studio, and his Theatre Company: Theatre Limited. He is also a Director of Unagda’s oldest Company: The Uganda Company Limited. “Whenever I’m awake" he says, “1 try and talk to myself. It is very relaxing. Sometimes 1 write the words down". He has made one documentary film; “The Funeral of Sir Edward Mutesa 11, First President of Uganda”.
uspeh U ovome svetu promenljivih vrednosti redak je užita-k stesati nekoga čije je sree take vezano za jeden kraj i oiji je duh sa puno entuzijazma posveéen razvoju pravog »nacionalnog pozorišta«. To mi je