Битеф, 01. 01. 1973., стр. 175


naši projekti

Prvi prikazani »projekt« u Glazgovu oktobra 1972. godine bio je verzija »Marat Sade« od Petera Weissa. Tokom vremena stvorili smo naše verzije Shakespearevog »Lira«, Strindbergovog »Oea« i delà Jacka Gelbera o heroinu pod nazivom »Veza«. Imali smo jezgro od tri glumca, dva muškarca i jedna žena, dok bi se za svaki novi »projekt« njima priključili još tri glumca naše trupe. Zahvaljujući ovim projektima, glumcima naše trupe bila je pružena mogućnost da preispitaju svoj rad, oslobođen od ograniöenja koja važe za normalno vreme utrošeno na probe u konvencionalnom pozorištu. Naš rad je bio posvećen proučavanju psiholoških i socijalnih aspekata uključenih u proces glume, razvijajući kod glumaca svest o njima samima i njihovoj okolini. Ovaj proces se odvija od prve probe do poslednje predstave: ukoliko se glumac vise udubljuje u sebe, utoliko mu njegova uloga postaje jasnija.

Naš rad Je povezan sa glumcem kao sa egocentričnom »ličnošću«, koja predstavlja središte svoje okoline. Tek kada glumac postane svestan svojih stvarnih saznanja o suštini uloge koja mu je poverena, on može da prihvati punu odgovornost za njeno ostvarenje. Za iduću sezonu predvideli smo pripreme sledećih drama: »The Collection«, od Pintera, »Old Times« od Pintera, »Arden od Faversham«, »Eva Perón« od Copia, kao i »Macbeth« od Shakespearea. Kada smo uvežbavali članove Citizens’Company za »Projekt Work« u Studio Theatre (The Close), ci lj nam je bio da stvorimo sugestivni akcioni stil, koji će doći do izražaja pred velikim auditorijumom Citizensa prilikom izvođenja glavnih dramskih delà. (Steven Dartnell)

projects works

The first Project was presented In Glasgow in October 1972 and was a version of “MARA-SADE” By Peter Weiss. Since then we have developed our own versions of Shake-

speare’s “LEAR", Strindberg’s “THE FATHER" and Jack Gelber’s play about heroin addiction “THE CONNECTION". We have a nucleus of three actors, two men and one woman and these are joined by six other actors from the Company for each new Project. The Projects give an opportunity for actors in the Company to re-examine their work freed from the restrictions of the normal rehearsal time pressures of a conventional theatre production. Our work investigates the psychological and social aspects involved in the process of role-playing (acting) by devloping the actor's awareness of himself and his setting. The actor is given an opportunity to confront the possibility of failure in the process of selfexploration without being restricted by the need to “present” a “finished product” on a given date. The process is a developing one from the first rehearsal to the last performance: the more the actor incovers within himself the more he discovers of the role and vice versa. Our work is concerned with the actor as a “person", self-centred, central to and in control of his setting. The actor, by connecting with his “real" feelings in the discovery of the role he is developing, accepts full responsibility for his actions by being self-motivated rather than other-motivated. The work planned for the coming season includes Pinter’s “THE COLLECTION" to be worked in with “OLD TIMES", “ARDEN OF FAVERSHAM”, “EVA PERON” by Copi and Shakespeare’s »MACBETH". By developing the actors of the Citizens’ Company by the Project work in the Studio Theatre (The Close) we aim to create an acting style and ensemble confidence which will express inself in the major productions of major drama works in the large auditorium of the Citizens’.