

1969 The Life and Times of Sigmund Freud, Brooklyn Academy of Music Opera House, New York 1969 —■ The Life and Times of Sigmund Freud, (2nd production) Brooklyn Academy of Music Opera House, New York 1970 Deafman Glance, University Theater, lowa City, lowa 1971 Deafman Glance, Brooklyn Academy of Music Opera House, New York 1971 Deafman Glance, Grand Theatre de la Nancy, Nancy, France 1971 —■ Deafman Glance, Teatro Eliseo, Rome, Italy 1971 Deafman Glance, Theatre de la Musique, Paris, France 1971 Program Prologue Now, Overture for a Deafman, Espace Pierre Cardin (exTheatre des Ambassadeurs) Paris 1971 Deafman Glance, Stadsschouwburg Theater, Amsterdam 1972 Overture, Byrd Hoffman Studio, New York 1972 Overture, Khaneh-e Zinatolmolk, Shiraz, Iran 1972 KA MOUNTAIN AND GUARDENIA TERRACE, a story about a family and some people changing, Haft Tan Mountain, Shiraz, Iran 1972 Ouverture, Musée Galliera and Opéra Comique, Paris 1973 king lyre and lady in the wasteland, part of »Solos«, Byrd Hoffman Studio, New York 1973 The Life and Times of Joseph Stalin, Det Ny Teater, Copenhagen, Denmark 1973 The Life and Times of Joseph Stalin, Brooklyn Academy of Music Opera House, New York 1974 The Life and Times of Dave Clark, Teatro Municipal, Sao Paulo, Brazil 1974 A Mad A Mad Giant A Mad Dog A Mad Urge A Mad Face, Villa Borghese, Rome, Italy 1974 A Mad Man A Mad Giant A Mad Dog A Mad Urge A Mad Face, Kennedy Center, Washington, D. C. 1974 A Letter For Queen Victoria, Caio Melisso, Spoleto, Italy 1974 Prologue to A Letter For Queen Victoria, Teatro Delle 6, Spoleto, Italy 1974 A Letter For Queen Victoria, Maison de !a Culture, La Rochelle, France recent lectures ane seminars (Selected) 1970 Conducted seminar at University of California, at Berkeley 1970 Conducted seminar at George School, New Hope, Pennsylvania 1970 Conducted classes under a Rockefeller grant at the University of lowa Center 1 for New Performing Arts 1971 Conducted seminar at Newark State College, New Jersey 1971 Lecture demonstration at International School, Paris, France 1971 Lectured at Atelje 212 BITEF Festival, Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1971 Lectured at International Theatre Institute, sponsored by UNESCO, Dur dan, France 1972 Conducted six week international workshop at Royaumont, France, under sponsorship of the Theater of Nations ( J-L

Barrault) and the Festival of Autumn (Michel Guy) 1973 Panel Discussions, lecture demonstrations, »Mudra Workshop ,« Boulder, Colorado 1973 Conducted lecture demonstration, »Symposium on Visual and Performing Arts,«. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1973 Conducted three two-day dance-rehearsalperformance workshops, » Atelier de Travail avec Bob Wilson ,« Centre de Development da Potential Humain, Paris, France work as a visual artist 1962 Studied painting with George McNeil, Paris, France 1963 - Designed Jean-Claude van Itallie’s original production of America Hurrah 1963 Made 2 hour 16 mm film, The House; made film, Slant for NET-TV 1965 BFA, Pratt Institute, New York 1966 Apprenticed to Paolo Soleri, Phoenix, Arizona 1967 Designed and built giant outdoor environment-theater-sculpture, Poles, under commission from The Grail, Loveland, Ohio 1971 Made film, 16 mm, Overture for a Deafman 1971 Exhibited art work at Willard Gallery, New York awards 1970 Best Foreign Play, 1970—71 (Deafman Glance), le Syndicat de la critique dramatique et musicale, Paris 1971 Drama Desk Award for Direction (Deafman Glance) New York 1971 Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques (honorary society), Membre Adherent, Paris 1971 Guggenheim Fellowship Award, New York 1974 - »OBIE« special citation for » The Life and Times of Joseph Stalin« publications 1970 King of Spain, by Robert M. Wilson, New American Plays, Voi. 3, William Hoffman, editor, Hilt & Wang 1972 The Byrd Hoffman School of Byrds, Nos. Sl — B2, Cahiers Renaud Barrault 1973 L’Art de Robert Wilson (Le Regard du Sourd), by Stefan Brecht, trans, by Françoise Gaillard, in Le Theatre, 1972. 1, Arrabai, editor, (Christian Bourgois, Paris)

Alan Lloyd

Kompozilor; Pismo za kraijicu Viktoriju concerts Presently organist at St. Mark’s-in-the-Bowerie Church, New York

1968 Phoebe Neville & Company, Judson Memorial Church, New York 1969 The King of Spain by Robert Wilson, Anderson Theatre, New York 1969 Kenneth King and Company, Judson Memorial Church, New York 1969 Requiem, Delaney Street Loft, music and decor, New York 1969 Kenneth King and Company, Loeb Student Centre, New York University 1970 Cinematheque, Wooster Street, New York 1970 The Life and Times of Sigmund Freud by Robert Wilson, Brooklyn Academy of Music Opera House, New York 1971 Deafman Glance by Robert Wilson, Brooklyn Academy of Music Opera House, New York 1971 Deafman Glance by Robert Wilson, Theatre de la Musique, Paris 1971 Prologue by Robert Wilson, Espace Pierre Cardin, Paris 1971 Christmas Eve Concert, Washington Square Methodist Church with Kenneth King and Company, New York 1972 Byrd Hoffman School of Byrds concert series with Andrew Degroat and Kit Cation, dancers and Cindy Lubar, poems and Pierre Ruiz, violin, New York 1972 Christmas Eve Concert, Washington Square Methodist Church with Kenneth King and Company, New York 1972 Byrd Hoffman School of Byrds concert series with Hellen Bergruen, cello and and Kit Cation, flute, New York compositions Op. I THE DRUID’S HARP: °1 Andante (Deafman music), °2. Presto, °3. Adagio (Freud music), °4. Largo, °5. Vivace, 1969—1971 Op. Il VIRELAI: 1. Bb major, °2. b minor, 3. E major, 1971 Op. 11l AKATHESTOS (organ and soprano): ' Prayer, 2. Ave Maria, °3. Interlude, °4. Prelude 5. Agnus Dei, °6. Lux Perpetua, °7. Amen, 1971 °Op. IV THE OSTRICH ENTRANCED: 1. On a desert horizon, 2. The ostrich’s entrance, 3. The repast, 4. The hole, 5. A lumbering camel, 6. The sad story of the moth, 7. The fable of the silkworm and the spider, 8. The Spider’s web, 9. Pandora’s box closed, 1972 Op. V PIANO SONATA: 1. The cat, 2. Up the tree, 3. In the terrible wind, 1972 Op. VI CLA VICHORD FANTASY: 1. The recluse, 2. Locust plague, 3. The loons, 4. Goodbye, 5. The kites, 1973 °Recorded at CBS studios May — October, 1972 O 1972 Alan Lloyd Op. I —XII B, Binaural Tape-works 1966 — 68, Piano, clavichord, zither, flute Piano studies with Walter Anderson, 1961—66 Composition with Donald Keats, 1961 —68