Битеф, 08. 09. 1976., стр. 5

rezultate publici širom beograda na neočekivanim mestima i ostave traga o svojoj delatnosti. pored toga и studentskom kulturnom centra stručna pozorišna publika gledaće filmove na temu pozorišta: reditelj na delu ( Stanislavski, reinhardt, barrault, griingens, bergman), znakovi i značenja (dokumenti о pozorištu noh, kabuki, bunraku iz japana), kao i snimljene pozorišne predstave. svakog dana održavače se tradicionalni susreti stvaralaca sa publikom, a и galeriji ateljea 212 biće i ove godine u izbom dragoša kalajića likovni program bitefa. (mira trailović i jovan ćirilov)

■я . f* . • in September 1976, bitef will assume the role theatre of nations ° f,iw t ш У еш- щ, J pans, began its exciting troubadour existence я -Я s\ jr • . /» in Warsaw and is now coming to spend three weeks in belgrade. ft // яi § вЛ 1 J Т both festivals have their past, in the fifties and Vt/Ê Я _ж. \J ЯУ Щ/ 1- sixties the theatre of nations presented significant theatrical discoveries from all over the world. At about the time when its flame was temporarily extinguished (1967/1968), bitef continued to track down the new tendencies that appeared at the end of the sixties and early seventies. spectators from belgrade and cities all over the world will gather to see actors from countries near and far on the stage, in free spaces, sports palladiums and the streets of the capital, the belgrade public has nine years of theatrical experience behind it. more than in latter years audiences will include many foreign observers (drama experts, critics, play wrights and young people) attracted by the resounding title of theatre of nations. in this new role, bitef ’s continued search for new theatrical trends will not differ from previous years, but the physionomy of the festival will be complemented by a few new activities, within the framework of the theatre of nations a workshop on the training of young actors will be held under the auspices of unesco. young troupes from different countries of the world (Venezuela, peru, Uruguay, yugoslavia, argentina, norway, belgium, poland and italy) will meet in belgrade under the leadership of eugenio barba to exchange experiences and show the public the results of their work in highly unconventional settings all over belgrade. theatrical experts will follow and keep note of their activities. at the students’ centre the experienced theatre-going public will be able to view some visual pedagogical material in the form of films on the theatre: directors at work (stanislavski, reinhardt, barrault, griingens, bergman) ; symbols and meanings (documentaries on the noh, kabuki and bunraku theatres of japan), as well as filmed versions of various performances, the traditional meeting between creators and public will be held the day after each première, and dragos kalajić will once again present exhibitions of his choice in the gallery of the atelje 212. (mira trailović and jovan ćirilov)

V как будто в пьесе, бишеф взял на себя IWË Oí CŁ F'T'I ТУ HÜUUU в сентя^Ре 1976 z0da роль театра наций, театр X > наций, покинувший в прошлом году париж, где был \ f* основан и начавший в варшаве волнующую и~Ъ li IWÍ жизнь актера-скитальца, остановится iß в этом году tía три недели в белграде. у обоих фестивалей свое прошлое театр наций в 50 и 60-ые годы дарил свои ценности по всему миру, а почти в то же время битеф на время потушил огни (1967 — 68) продолжая поиски новых тенденций, за рождавшихся в конце 60-ых и начале 70-ых годов нашего века. на сценах свободного простора, в спортивных залах и по улицам белграда будет собираться публика нашего города и всех городов мира, чтобы увидеть актеров из близких и далеких стран, белградская публика будет приходить в залы с девятилетним театральным искусством, больше чем в прежние годы среди нашей публики будет много иностранных