
informed city on the theatre of our days, not a single name of modern theatre is unknown to those people of belgrade who in any way whatsoever followed bitef. in spite of all possible, and it would appear necessary mistakes, not a single truly significant presentation by-passed bitef, even if it was shown merely as a film. we searched for new tendencies as much as we could, as much as we knew how. sometimes alone, and as of late, as a group of sellectors. always with less money than our ambitions required, or the world abundantly offered, but, at the same time, with more understanding than could possibly have been expected under the circumstances and in view of the turbulant history of culture on these spaces, it is still early for conclusions. We are, of course, the last to be called to draw them up, having been active participants, and sometimes fighters, and sometimes those to blame, on the disquietening waves of the theatre, what will be born of today’s novelties, or novelties that were yesterday? will we recognise them in the future? [mira trailovič, jovan ćirilov]

quinze ans de recherche dans l'histoire de la civilisation mondiale quinze ans ne représentent qu'une courte période, mais pour le théâtre du 20° siècle l'époque entre 1967, date de la fondation du bîtef, et l’année 1981, date du 15° bitef, est une période du