
nje i nagoni podsvesti hrabro se prikazujú u ovoj smeloj predstavi. Pantomima, maska i humor koriste se sa zadivljujučom inventivnošču prilikom prikazi vanj a različitih vidová njegove ili njene psihologije JA u otkrivanju nesigumosti, agresije, strahova i nade kada je to JA suočeno sa lavirintom kroz koji mora da se probija da bi se übacilo na kolosek brzog uspona. Prvobitnu verziju predstave stvorili su: Steward Amott, Ines Buchli, Mark Christmann, Dorian Clark, Denis Forest, Maggie Huculak, Tanja Jacobs, Susan McKenzie i Richard Rose. Sala u kojoj je Mein prikazivan bila je puna do poslednjeg mesta, a kritičari su komad obasipali pohvalama kada ga je pozorište THEATRE PASSE Muraille prošle sezone poručilo za izvođenje na svojoj maloj sceni (Backspace). O Meinu su izrečene sledeče kritike: TORONTO STAR: Električni udar suviše redak u ostvarenjima alternativnih pozorišnih grupa u Torontu. GLOBE & MAIL: Krivine i stepenice kóje vode u visoko društvo poslovnog sveta... duhovito i bez okolišenja... sa jasnotom i neizbežnošću tragedije.

NOW MAGAZINE: Multidimenzionalna šahovska tabla života. .. dodiruje strune zajedniike svima nama. Ansambl, u nešto izmenjenom sastavu, u kome se nalaze talenti kao što su: Richard Rose, reditelj; Dorian Clark, scenograf; Susan McKenzie, koreograf; Ines Buchli, asistent režije i izvodači Mark Christmann, Denis Forest, Elizabeth Hanna, Maggie Huculak i Bruce Vavrína, za ovu predstavu če da preradí i dalje razvije originalni tekst prvog izvodenja. Od 1978. godine reditelj Richard Rose je i umetnički direktor Necessary Angela, pozorišne trupe poznate po njenom smelom i novátorskom prístupu pozorištu. (U ranije uspehe Necessary Angela übrajaju se veoma zapažene predstave Censored i Tamara, lauréat nagrade Dora, koja se u Los Andelesu igra od 1984. i koja je nedavno dobila nagradu časopisa Dramatologue, kao naj bolj a predstava i za najbolju režiju.) Gospodin Rose je nedavno u pozorištu režirao komad Tarragon Theatre Prague Johna Križanca, pisca Tamare. Uskoro če režirati Desire, koprodukciju Necessary Angel grupe i Toronto Free Theatra. Premijera se očekuje u aprilu.

Necessary Angel i Toronto Free Theatre žele da izraze posebnu zahvalnost CHFI radio-mreži na podršci predstave Mein □

Mein in the Making Richard Rose is Artistic Director of the Necessary Angel Theatre Company whose collective work Mein won the Dora Mavor Moore Award for Outstanding New Play at this year’s ceremonies. The original script, first performed at Theatre Passe Muraille, has been reworked and developed by Necessary Angel for a production at Toronto Free’s Theatre Upstairs. Mein previews from February 13th and opens February 20th. Mein as an idea originated when Clarke Rogers approached me with the offer of directing something in the Backspace at Theatre Passe Mu-

raille. But unlike most offers to direct, the artistic director did not come with script, concept, or cast already determined. He came with a notion that the 1983/4 Backspace season should be devoted to directors trying out new ideas they normally couldn’t or wouldn't dare attempt. New ideas to me meant that I had to start from nothing, from a place where I did not have a wonderful theatrical concept or an unusual staging or whatever other trick I could conjure up. I would have to start with myself, sifting and examining what would interest me. At the time I was experiencing unusual success in my career. Since most of my energies were thrown into moving up the career ladder, when I realized that this play had to be in some way autobiographical (a new and risky idea for me), the theme of ambition became inevitable. Second came, rather easily, the title. I thought Mein echoed the dangerous qualities of ambition and punned upon what I believe is the essence of ambition; the desire to have. For the next six months 1 pondered how to present this. The setting of