
guću ljubav i čuvaju je u životu. □ E. В.

Marriage with God or The Impossible Love Dedicated to J and S A story of love between a woman and a madman, Vaclav Nijinski, who believed himself to be Christ. Characters: Vaclav Nijinski, Nijinski’s soul, Nijinski’s wife Romola de Pulszky, God Ac tors: Iben Nagel Rasmussen, Cesar Brie Text montage and direction: Eugenio Barba

Texts: St Terasa of Avila, Jorge Luis Borges, St John of the Cross, Vincent Gaeta, Miguel Hernandez, Juan Ramon Jimenez, Vaclav Nijinski, Antonio Machado, Jalal ud-Din Rumi

Faun in the morning mist, the spirit of a rose, tragic and sad marionette: Vaclav Nijinski, born in Kiev in 1889, famous ballet dancer at the age of 18 and a myth by the age of 28, when he danced for the very last time. He lived another 33 years, in madness, believing himself to be both Christ and God’s bridegroom. Vaclav Nijinski had been called the God of dance. Now he was living through a Calvary of physical and mental pain. On this ascent he was accompanied and supported by a young Hungarian woman, Romola de

Pulszky, who had married him when he was 24 and who lived by his side during both his triumphs and the long night of his marriage with God. To be married to a God of the dance, who in turn was married to God: this was their destiny. In spite of his physical and mental misery, in spite of his attempts to kill their child, in spite of poverty and war, the two knew how to defend their impossible love and keep it alive. □ E.B.