
Yuki Magosaburo the Eleventh 1934 Born in Tokyo the eldest son of Magosaburo the Tenth (the present Yuki Sessai). Like his father, reared from childhood in the rigorous discipline of the classical puppet theater. 1933 - Made his deduct at the age of five at the Nihonbashi Club. From this time performed in public with his father. 1947 - At the age of 13 succeeded to the stage name. Yuki Isshi the Second, From this time as his father's partner became an indispensable young performer and appeared in many productions. 1952 - Named assistant manager of the Yuki Puppet Theater. Awarded the Arts Festival Prize for his performance in The Life of St. Christopher. In addition to classi-

cal works attempts many experimental productions. 1960 - Performs Mokuryu Urushi (the lacquered wooden dragon) (produced by Takechi Tetsuji and written by Kinoshita Junji) as the maiden number of the Yuki Isshi Experimental Drama Group at Saboh Hall. 1961 - In cooperation with the poet, Kusano Shimpei, plans and produces, a three month series of abstract puppet poem plays for NHK TV. 1968 - Plans "and produces the peom play Gokuraku Kingyo at the National Theater, tking the role of the heroine, Osaki. As a result of public demand the same play is performed again during the year at the Haiyu-za Theater. December-sponsors the Mumei-kai in its first performance with the cooperation of well-known persons in various fields, for the purpose of providing the public an opportunity to appreciate the true value of traditional classics presented in the correct form. Founds the Yuki Puppet Theater Little Theater and becomes its manager. Its first production is Gorilla, Gorilla, an original work.

1969 - April - Performs the leading role of the old barker in Gorilla, Gorilla at the Jiyu Gekijo Theater. May ar\d November Sponsors performances of the Mumei-kai December-Appears in performances of his father's Association for the Revival of the Classics. 1970. - His Little Theater presents Gogatsu no Kotaro (Kotaro in May), his original production in which he takes the main role. 1971 - Participates in the International. Theatrical Arts Festival at Nancy, performing Gorilla, Gorilla. Performs in the production of classics in Paris, 1972 - April Revives the Edo shadow picture art from which had been popular toward the end of the Edo period and in the early years of Meiji presenting the shadow picture play Makura Borei Chizakura Emaki (picture scroll of the pillow-ghost of the bloody cherry blossoms) in modern dress, a unique creation of action projection and on-the-spot handmade animation. This received an enthusiastic response from the public and is the subject of much attention as another link in the ac-

tivities ef the Yuki Puppet Theater quite apart from the puppets. Performance of Coki buri no Hana (the cockroach flower) at the Seinen-za Theater. Joint production and performance with Saito Ren. May-Confers the name Isshi on his younger brother and succeeds to the name Magosaburo the Eleventh. Becomes manager of the Yuki Puppet Theater. Gives more and more effort to the building up of the classic art of puppetry and at the same time devotes himself whole heartedly to the creation and production of new works. November-Begins a series on NET TV reporting on his visits to various provincial areas of Japan to study traditional folk art doll plays and marionettes.

