
Narodno pozorište/Nepszinhaz, Subotica Miroslav Krleža: Krlstofor Kolumbo Narodno pozorište/Nepszinhaz, Subotica Cervantes: Don Kihot 28. Bitef 1994. Narodno pozorište/Nepszinhaz, Subotica Dušan Jovanović: Anfigona

TRAVELLING THEATRE Right from the start there were Dogtroep projects a long way from Amtsterdam. 1 wrote the present chapter in 1 984 as a report on our performances at the Bitef Festival in Belgrade. It gives an idea of our life as travelling

players. »He's blind drunk«, someone says. It's late in the evening, we're getting changed after the first perfomance. Átall peasant figure approaches: around fifty, long grey coat, woollen beret, twinkling dark eyes. He's the one who stands guard over our things outdoors at night. He must have realised our suspicions: he shows us all his revolver to reassure us. It's an old-fashioned one, but the bullets are real. We're at the 18th Bitef festival in Belgrade. It's one of the more established festivals for contemporary theatre. Robert Wilson, Tenjo Sajiki, Théâtre du Soleil - they all played the Bitef at some stage, and it helped them to make a name for themselves in Europe. It's the last stop for us in a long, day and night summer tour of tne Netherlands, France and Germany.