Битеф, 01. 01. 1997., стр. 138
D.D. ZA TELEKOMUNIKACUE I ELEKTRONIKU - BEOGRAD Batajnički put 23, 11080 Beograd, Jugoslavija Tel: (Oil) 197 564, 109 936, Teleks: 12237 YU EIZEP, Telefaks: (011) 108 801 was established in 1967. Today, ; s an jointstock company for telecommunications and electronics that within its establishment has an Institute. There are 220 employees in the jointstock company half of which are research engineers, masters and doctors of science. irFe l 's basic business activities are production, research, development, consulting, covering the wide areas: electronics and microelectronics technology and starting from materials, components, sensors up to highly professional equipment and systems, including engineering. Professional teams, consisting of different profiles of experts are covering a large number of various programme fields. Backed with many years of experience we follow the current technological trends throughout the following programmes: TELECOMMUNICATIONS & ELECTRONICS ISDN Digital Switching Systems Digital Transmission Systems Fiber - optics Transmissions Systems Mobile Telecommunications Systems Digital Radio Communications Radio and TV Systems Electronic Warfare Systems Radar and Microwave Systems Industrial Electronics ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES Hybrid Microelectronics Components and Sensors Special Materials Printed Circuits Boards Membrane - touch Keyboards irHel 1967 - 1997 30 YEARS OF SUCCESS