
In 1 993 Wim Vandekeybus and his company Ultima Vez became artist-in-residence at the Koninklijke Vlamse Schowburg in Brussels (intendant Franz Marijnen). On May 28th, 1994, the piece Mountains Made of Barking premiéred at the Koninklijke Vlaamse Schowburg, in the frame of the first KunstenFESTlVALdesArts in Brussels. A film, shot in Marocco, and short stories by Paul Bowles and Milorad Pavic, constitute the theme of the performance. A major tour followed, alternated with performance of Her Body Doesn't Fit Her Soul. In May 1 995, and again at the KVS in Brussels, premiéred Alle Grössen decken sich zu, his first (German spoken) theatre piece based on the life and words of his now deceased friend Carlo Verano. Performances in Holland, Belgium, Germany and Austria followed. At the end of 1995 the company revived the very first performance, What the Body Does Not Remember. On February 29th, 1996, in the Lunatheatre, Brussels premiéred Bereft of a Blissful Union, a

large-scale piece which brought together on stage twelve dancers and twelve musicians, and incorporated film and acting sequences. Compositions by Peter Vermeersch and George van Dam, interpreted by X-LEGGED SALLY and THE SMITH QUARTET, with Céry Gambier (Ictus Ensemble) on double-bass. Through 1 996 Ultima Vez toured with three repertory pieces: Bereft of a Blissful Union, Mountains Made of Barking and What the Body Does Not Remember. Also in 1996, Vandekeybus recreated excerpts of his work for the Batsheva Dance Company in Israel (première April 30, 1 996, Opera House, Tel Aviv), and this performance remains in the repertory of the Batsheva Company. Future projects The 1 997 Ultima Vez creation 7 for a Secret never to be told will première on July 23rd, at the Grec Festival in Barcelona (on tour until April 1999). On March 22nd at the Springdance Festival in Utrecht, Wim Vandekeybus will be actor/dancer in a solo performance by Jan Fabre. In the summer of 1 998 another Ultima Vez performance (working title Reinvented Fairytales) will be premiéred (date and location to be announced).