
crammed in here as eavesdroppers and snoops; you've split supposedly in two parties, one of which applauded me in orfer to provoke me. You are trained to tempt innocent people. Ther are so many paths here. I am not a man whom you could bribe. I have been appointed the whipper. And I whip. The accused can extricate himself when he admits the guilt, then and then olny. And even then, not without help; but, as far as that help is concerned, fear none, I shall help you myself. Where is the judge whom I have never seen? Where is the august court I have never reached. You have been accused, I am informed about it. Then you are the one I am looking for. I am the prison chaplain. Do you know that the trial bodes you no good. They believe you are guilty. Your case may not go to a higher court. For the time being at least it is held that your guilt has been proven. It is true but that is what the culprits say as a rule. You do not understand this

thing. The conviction does not happen straightaway; the proceedings gradually grow into the conviction. You are asking for the help from others, women especially. Don't you see that that is not the real help? Can't you see farther than your nose? I had to talk to you first like this, from a distance. Otherwise I easily succumb to influences and forget my duty. In the court you are misled. The preambles to the law speak of that illusion; the janitor stands before the law. Get it who I am. Therefore, I belong to the court. So why should I want anything from you. The court does not want anything from you. It receives you when you come. I carry the bars within me all the time. I lack the strength to destroy these testimonies of my Loneliness. Most of us are glued to the rickety chairs of ceap principles by the excrement of our fear. Every crime begins with the self-mutilation of the soul.