Teatro Delle Albe - Ravena, Italija Alfred Jarry: Poljaci
Dajte mi teatar koji je misterija, poput antičkog, mešavina tame i znanja. Dajte mi teatar koji poseduje disciplínu svete orgije, u korne će mi do kraja, do krajnosti, prijatí zagrijaj publike. Dajte mi teatar koji će me pratiti u noci, poput priča kóje su starci iz sela kazivali mojim afričkim prijateljima, teatar za Ijudski nakot kraj vatre; dajte mi teatar koji uspeva da me probudi svakog dana, koji me svakodnevno pokreće i podstiče na mukotrpan rad. Dajte mi teatar koji, poput hrane, mogu osetiti pod zubima. Dajte mi teatar kojim se tone u snove, koji izdužuje moj um poput snová; dajte mi teatar koji me budi iz noćnih mora. Dajte mi teatar za sve one proklete, poput mene, koji ne znaju sta je selo, koji ne znaju sta su "koreni" і "Ijudi", koji jedino znaju za svoje stanové i smrskane horizonte, a prostor u kóme žive dele sa frížiderom, mašinom za pranje i televízorom umesto sa božanskim bićima, životinjama i biljkama. Dajte mi teatar koji ću oplemenjivati strpljivo, svakodnevno, teatar koji diše zajedno sa gradom, teatar za starce i tinejdžere, teatar sedokosih i prvih senzualnih strasti, teatar subverzivnih elemenata i graditelja, u korne je nemoguće razlikovati jedne od drugih, teatar u kóme očevi ne proždiru svoje sinove, a sinovi ne nasrču nožem na svoje očeve, teatar sa vise nego dovoljno priča, toliko uobražen da je izmestio sebe iz istorije i van domašaja njenih kaprica. Dajte ml teatar koji s prezrenjem ne zaglušuje pesnički glas i one koji nisu ni za šta bitni; dajte mi teatar koji je visok i nizak, filozofiju i smeh, tradiciju i grešku, muško i žensko, crno i belo, i žuto i crveno, i svetloplavo takode. Dajte mi teatar u korne, kao kod magije, vreme nije važno, u kóme su brojčanici švih satova razbijeni. Marco Martinelli autor i režiser "Teatro delle Albe" umetnički direktor "Ravenna Teatro"
Give me a theatre that is a mistery: like for the ancients, a mix of darkness and knowledge. Give me a theatre that has the discipline of a sacred orgy, where I could be glad until the end, until the extreme, of the embrace of the audience. Give me a theatre that follow me in the night, like the stories that the old men of the village told to my african friends, a theatre for human pups, by the fire, give me a theatre that can wake me up everyday, that everyday initiates me in the day and in its hard work. Give me a theatre that is food, that I could feel under my teeth. Give me a theatre that sinks me in the dreams, that is lengthening in my mind like some dreams, give me a theatre that wakes me up from nightmares. Give me a theatre for all those damned, like me, that don't know what is village, that dont know what are "roots" and "people", that only know flats and their crushed horizon, that instead with a community of divine beings and animals and plants share the place where they live with a refrigerator, a washingmachine and a television. Give me a theatre to cultivate patiently, everyday, a theatre that breathes with the city, with its generations, a theatre of old people and teenagers, of white hair and first sensual ardours, a theatre of subversive elements and builders, where it is impossible to distinguish between the one and the others, a theatre where fathers don't devour their sons, and the sons dont knife their fathers, a theatre with more than enough stories, so conceited to put itself out of the History and of its outrages. Give me a theatre that dont throw shit and scorn over the poet's voice, over those who don't count for anything; give me a theatre that is tall and short, philosophy and laugh, tradition and mistake, female and male, black and white and yellow and red and also pale blue. Give me a theatre where, as a magic, time doesnt matter, and the dial-plate of all the watches break.