
Ecnad Project Ltd, Singapore A-the-bird

Ideja za A-the-Bird se začela 1993. godine. Sastoji se od, na izgled, nepovezanih misli: vizuelene forme koje poprimaju ptice, čovečnosti, fantazija, nada, smisla za gubitak i unutrašnje snage. Eksperimentalno izvodenje performansa zasnovano na ovim idejama bilo je 1994. Šest godina kasnije ponovo razvijam svoj koncept. Bice obimnih revizija u koreografiji, sa inkorporisanom živom muzikom, posebno komponovanom za ovu namenu, i značajnom podrškom igrača. Ono što.ostaje je smisao za jednostavnost i neposrednost, kao i intenzitet emocija u komadu. Potom je moja strast za koreografijom bila podstaknuta. Posebna zahvalnost za izvođače i muzičare koji su dali novi život 'za pticu', kao i za glumce i ekipu na njihovom doprinosu.

Lim Chin Huât

Lim Chin Haut Artistic Co-Director, Choreographer A painter turned dancemaker, Chin Haut is an all-rounder highly involved in all aspects of a dance production including costume design, choreography and performance. The main creative force of EcNad Project, the prolific choreographer has created most of EcNad's productions ever since its formation in 1996. With a strong foundation in Fine Arts, he has produced visually stunning stage designs for EcNad as well as many other local theatre groups. Previously, Chin Huat was with the Toy Factory Theatre Ensemble which he joined in 1990. He was the President in 1994 and 1995 and set up the Dance Department in 1995. Two of his works, A-the-Bird (1994) and Four and A Half Rebels (1995) were later revised and put up by EcNad Project. His other choreographis works include ZerO'Clock (1996) and Playßack (1992). He has also collaborated with Toy Factory's Artistic Director Goh Boon Teck in Ocean (1993), a physical theatre piece staged at Pan Pacific Hotel Swimming Pool. Chin Huat received the Professional Artist Grant from the National Arts Council in 1999. He also received the Young Artist Award in 2000.