
TOM WAITS (roden 1949) "Od početka je bllo te opčlnjenosti koju zalsta ne mogu da objasnlm, Jer Je vrlo složena. Čudno je, turno Je, all dlvno, dlrijlvo, otmeno - ne znam šta Je, all to Je njegov potpis, njegova llčnost." ROBERT WILSON 0 TOMU WAITSU Tom Walts je roden u Pomonl u okollnl Los Andelesa. Ova) amerlčkl tekstoplsac, gltarlsta I pljanlsta svojlm prlsustvom nlkad nije opterećlvao ni lists nagradenlh nl MTV, a Ima, naprotlv, nevellku all fanatlčnu publiku svih uzrasta. Walts Je prvenstveno najorlglnalnljl I najupedatljlvljl muzicar rok/folka Izuzetnog tonallteta, glasa I pojave. Na sadainjo) muzlčkoj seen! Waltsa blsmo mogli uporedltl sa starlm pozorlštem koje Je sa svlh strana okruženo novlm zgradama; ako se u neklm sredlnama pomene, njegovo Ime Je "hlp°, njegov Izraz bučan I ekspreslonlstlčkl, nadahnut razllčltlm Izvorlma kojl su I u njemu, a u cellnl Je stran modernom slušaocu muzlke. Otkako Je Walts Izdao album usmerenja Swordfishtrombones 1983, Istrazlvao Je uglavnom uvek Istu terltorlju u svojlh osam albums; forma njegovlh pesama Je često stara kollko I svet; blues, folksong, pesmice, regtajm, broadsides, uspavanke, mazurke, iou melodije, valcer, ludorlje kabarea na načln Kurta Wellla I muzlka za film začlnjena sasvlm posebnlm Waltsovlm temperamentom ■ s patlnom koja odražava nepoverenje prema

he could not find the time for the project. However, this lay the groundwork for a collaboration which would be developed at Thalia Theater in Hamburg in the early 90 s when the couple collaborated with beat legend William S. Burroughs and developed the play The Black Rider which went on to be performed with great success world wide. Brennan and Waits's fantasy on the relationship between the author of Alice in Wonderland, Charles Dodgson and his source of Inspiration for the book, Alice Llddel, also played at Thalia Theater, Entitled Alice ran for eight weeks In the winter of 1992. In addition to his records and his work In the theatre Walts has worked as an actor In several movies. FACTS ON WAITS Music; Closing Time , 1973; The Heart of Saturday Night, 1974; Nighthawks at the Diner, live 1975; Small Change, 1976; Foreign Affairs, 1977; Blue Valentine, 1978; Heart Attack and Vine, 1980; One From the Heart, soundtrack 1982; Swordfishtrombones, 1983; Rain Dogs, 1985; Frank's Wild Years, 1987; Big Time, live 1988; Night on Earth, soundtrack 1992; Bone Machine, 1992; The Black Rider, musical 1993. The new album Mule Variations was released on April the 16th 1999 and was followed by a number of concerts primarily In Europe. Movies; The first appearance on the screen was In Paradise Alley, 1978, directed by Sylvester Stallone. Later Tom Walts has starred