
"U svojoj novoj koreografiji u predstavi Every,Body., novi šef Bremer Tanztheater potanko ispituje telo i njegove pokrete, proučava pies udova do granica nijihove sposobnosti. Na zabavan način, preko neprekidno novih eksperimentalnih rasporeda, ukazuje na zabludu da je pies potekao u nogama. Dietrich nam pokazuje način do zabavne percepcije i (obnovljene) svesti o čudesnosti tela sa svojom novom grupom koja čini tim od deset izvrsnih igrača." Klaus Witzeling, “Hannoverische Allgemeine Zeitung" URS DIETRICH Roden je 1958. godine u Vispu, Švajcarska. Prvobitno

dance department at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen. 1986: 6 month study visit in New York. Since 1988: independent dancer and choreographer. Urs Dietrich has created numerous group choreographies and solos and had guest performances in Europe, Asia and South America. 1994-1996 he took over the responsability for the Bremer Tanztheater together with Susanne Link'e, In the following year he worked continually in Bremen as a choreographer. Urs Dietrich has been head of the Bremer Tanztheater since the beginning of the season 2000/2001. CHOREOGRAPHIES Hlob (1984), Das Kalte Gloria (1988), Affekte (1988), Effekte (1990), Sanguis (1991), Onno (1992), Und dec SommerZog