
slike do slike i od manastira do manastira, one daju poruku. Bio je uveren da je jedan od sigurnih puteva u pravu budućnost (jer ima i lažne budućnosti) ići u pravcu u kojem raste tvoj strah. I pošao je u lov, a ujutro je ulovio sopstvenu dušu. Slikao je hraneći i lečeći bojama svuda oko sebe, uvek naglašavajući da je vainija vera gledanja, slušanja i čitanja od vere slikanja, pojanja ill pisanja. U službi je kod diplomats Brankovića u engleskoj ambasadi u Carigradu, Ranije Lovac na snove (vidi Lovac), kasnije Manuil Van der Spaak (vidi Spaak, Van der Manuil). Spaak Van der, gospodin - Belgijski turista u XXI veku, otac dečaka koji u Carigradu 2002. übija dr Muawiu. Tu se, medutim, nije pojavio kao inkarnacija, jer davoli ne umiru i ne reinkarniraju se, nego uzimaju na ovom svetu oblik kakav hoće. Malo je nastran, ima dve leve polovine lica i uvek jede sopstvenom viljuškom s dva kraka,

koju nosi u džepu. Viđen u sobi dr Suka odmah nakon übistva. Ranije Yabir Ibn Akshany (vldi Akshany), još ranije Ibn Abu Haderash (vidi Haderash). Spaak Van der, gospoda - Majka Manuila Van der Spaaka u XXI veku. Obeležena je jednim nedostatkom - nema pregradu u nosu. Ranije Devojka u Pašinom logoru (vldi Devojka) i Dubrovčanka (vidi Dubrovčanka).

representative in the Khazar polemic in the 9th century. According to Hebrew sources he explained a dream to the Khazar kaghan, thereby persuading him to convert, along with the other Khazars, to the Jewish faith, a faith which expects more of the future than of the past. Later Samuel Cohen ( see Cohen) and, later still, Dr Dorothea Schultz ( see Schultz). Schultz Dr, Dorothea - Scientist. A Polish Jew from Krakow who lives in Israel. She attends the Istanbul symposium as a 21st century academic studying the Khazars. Her husband, Isaac Schultz, was seriously wounded by Dr Abu Kabir Muawia in the Egyptian-lsraeii war. Pursued in her dreams by Muawia, she decides to kill him at the symposium in Istanbul, For years she has written long, beautiful letters to herself in Krakow, to her past, to the days when she was a young girl in Krakow. Falsely accused of the murder at the Kingston Hotel. "Our false victim saved us from death", she claimed. Earlier Samuel Cohen, a Dubrovnik Jew (see Cohen ) and, earlier still Isaac Sangari, the Hebrew representative (see Sangan). Sevast Nikon - In the 17th century, demon, calligrapher and fresco painter. His frescos, if read in a certain order, from painting to painting and monastery to monastery, form a message. He believed that one of the sure paths to the real future (because there is also a false future) is to proceed in the direction of your fear. And so he went hunting and in the morning he hunted and caught his own soul. He painted by feeding and healing everything around him with colours, always emphasising that faith in seeing, listening and reading is more important than faith in painting, singing or writing. He worked at the English legation in Constantinople as a servant of the diplomat Branković. Earlier a Dream Hunter ( see Dream Hunter), later Manuil Van der Spaak (see Spaak, Van der, Manuil). Soldier Turkish, 17th century - Earlier Farabi Ibn Kora ( see Farabi), later Dr Abu Kabir Muawia ( see Muawia). Soldier Turkish, 17th century - Earlier a Dream Hunter ( see Dream Hunter), later a Dancer at the Kingston Hotel in Istanbul ( see Dancer). Soldier Turkish, 17th century - Earlier a Dream Hunter ( see Dream Hunter) and the Great Parchment ( see Parchment), later a Guest at the Kingston Hotel ( see Guest). Spaak Van der, Mr - Belgian tourist in the 21st century, father of the boy who kills Dr Muawia. But he is not a reincarnation because devils do not die and so cannot be reincarnated, rather they adopt whatever form they wish. He is somewhat eccentric: his face has two left sides and he always eats with his own two-