
PRODUCTION INFORMATION Requiem is a co-production by Fanny & Alexander, Ravenna Festival and Kuiturfabrik Kampnagel Flamburg.

Rekvijem je eksperiment muzičkog pozorišta. Zamišijen je kao savremena grand opera, koja pri tom ostaje pozorišna predstava u svom punom uobičajenom značenju. To je rad na tradicionalnoj muzičkoj formi, obavljen sa jednim od najreprezentativnijih italijanskih kompozitora elektronske muzike Luigijem Ceccarellijem. Predstavu, svojom čudnom eksperimentalnom prirodom I odrazom odnosa izmedu ta dva koda (muzike i teatra), potpomogla je i produciraia Cristina Mazzaviliani Muti i presližni muzički festival kojim ona rukovodi - Festival u Raveni. Rekvijem je takode odraz jezika mita i tradieije. Predstava govori o napuštanju I očajničkoj potrazl kroz unutrašnji pakao. Mitska reference je čuvena Ljubav i Psiha, koju je Apulej ispričao u Zlatnom magarcu. Predstava, koncipirana za monumenlalne prostore (istorijsko monumentalno groblje u Raveni), omogućava adaptaeiju za pozorišta. S obzirom na kompleksnu prirodu, predstava će biti izvedena i u okviru pozorišne i muzičke sezone. INFORMACIJE 0 PRHDSTAVI Rekvijem je koprodukeija “Fanny&Alexander", Ravenna Festivals i Kuiturfabrik Kampnagel, Flamburg. Ovo je nova saradnja “Fanny&Alexandera" sa Fondazione Ravenna Manifestazione, četiri godine nakon koprodukeije Simfonije Majakovskog, čija je premijera bila na Festivalu u Raveni jula 1997. U ovom slučaju, delo se zasniva na istraživanju muzičke refleksije ukorenjene u pozorišnu stazu kompanije od samog početka. Zajednički rad sa kompozitorom elektronske muzike Luigijem Cecarellijem dopušta da se razvije obična podloga u širem umetničkom rasponu, u okviru dugotrajnog istraživanja pogleda na slušanje, ritam I muzičku viziju primenom avangardne kompjuterske tehnologije.

It's a new cooperation of Fanny & Alexander with Fondazione Ravenna Manifestazioni four years after the co-production of Majakovskij Symphony, which made its debut at Ravenna Festival in July 1997. On this occasion the work once again originates from an investigation of the musical reflection ingrained in the theatrical path of the company from its very beginning. The choice of working together with the electronic music composer Luigi Ceccarelli allows to develop a common ground in a wider artistic horizon, within the long-standing research on a view on the listening, rhythm, and musical vision using an avant-garde computer technology. The Requiem project starts from a study on the traditional structure of the requiem form at the rethorical level, to re-invent it musically and textually, and it also involves chant in a holy context; that's the reason for the collaboration with the organist, singer and musical palaeographer Elena Saitoh, whom Fanny & Alexander has formerly worked with on the preparation of Romeo and Juliet - et ultra. The national premiere is fixed on July 2001, Ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in the context of Ravenna Festival, at the monumental cemetery in Ravenna. Requiem, conceived for being re-adapted in every repeat performance with a precise intervention on space, comes to light for the nineteenth-century monumental cemetery, a site of extreme beauty forgotten as a monument even by Ravenna's residents, and never allowed before for theatrical performances. Crossroad of oxymorons, facing the harbour channel of the town, besieged by factories, and yet evoking the pine-wood northwards, the ancient cemetery stands as godparent to the event without confining itself to be a simple background or frame. In fact the project is not meant to simply place the show in a naturally scenographical site, but to make the show perfectly appropriate to its nature, both from the scenic and genuinely theatrical aspect as well as from the musical point of view, amplifying its signs and characters, beginning with the rhythm of the sounds from the factories.

Fanny & Alexander! Ravenna Festival, Ravenna \ Kuiturfabrik Kampnagel, Hamburg Rekvijem / Requiem directed by Luigi de Angelis