
NAGRADE -Trostruki dobitnik prve nagrade na Nacionalnom baletskom takmičenju za mlade umetnike (Rumunija) -Specijaina nagrada za najbolju originalnu koreografiju za minijaturu Jedan (Ljubljana, Siovenija) 1997. -Priznanje prve klase za originalnu modernu baletsku postavku, za najbolju koreografiju u posiednjih pet godina (tj. nakon 1. januara 1993) na 18. medunarodnom baletskom takmičenju VARNA 1998, za "Slepi tango" (Tango) -Specijaina nagrada za najbolju koreografiju na 3, medunarodnom takmičenju u baletu i modernom plesu, Nagoja, Japan (1999) "Slepi tango" (Tango) -Nagrada DBUS za Tango kao najbolju baletsku predstavu u Sloveniji, 1999, Ljubljana -Nagrada Povodni mož za najbolju koreografiju - Udavača 2000, Ljubljana -Nagrada i bronzana medalja za koreografiju na 9, medunarodnom baletskom takmičenju i takmičenju koreografa, Moskva 2001 (Solo za dve stolice) -Nagrada i bronzana medalja - kategorija modernog plesa na 4. medunarodnom takmičenju u baletu i modernom plesu, Nagoja, Japan (2002) TANGO - GOSTOVANJA Zagreb (Hrvatska), Ljubljana (Siovenija), XV medunarodni festival “Sarajevska zima 99" (Bosna I Hercegovina), 5. letnji festival u Kopru - Portorož 1999 (Siovenija), 50. medunarodni dubrovački letnji festival (Hrvatska) 1999, Festival pozorišnog plesa u Gracu (Austrija) 2000. BIRTH OF BALLET OUT OF THE SPIRIT OF TANGO "What is, than, the phenomenon of the performance Tango? It is a real ballet performance, exactly that... (there's very little real tango in it).

Life, emotionally expressed through tango, and, tango, ingeniously expressed throguh ballet! It is said, that one, who never experienced different sides of life, can never understand the distinctive sentiments of tango, nevertheless, after seeing this performance, we could widen the definition into other kinds of dance. In spite of every distinctive face and allegory in the performance, the spectator has the freedom of interpretation, offering delight in power of aesthetics of what is going on the stage. And there is a lot! Aesthetics is expressed through power that made possible to dancers simple comanding dance technics and in the same time easy stressing the individual expressiveness and imminent experience of moves as the interference of certain emotion. Ballet performance Tango, deserves that more and admirers of really generous ballet art can enjoy in it." ’Slovensko Novice", Ljubljana , Slovenia April, 1998 Was a wonderful story about innocence and passion, wishes and hope, tenderness and pain. The story of (and about) life. Miniature fragments of relationships in their searching for sincerely and clearness, lead us back into the streets of our childhood, almost ecstatically and with perfect devotion they give wings to the most daring dreams. Those bold dreams of tango also gave wings to Maribor ballet company. Clug's choreography worked well on that almost intimate knowledge, formed character of every individual, the creations that caught the heart-beat, traits in character of a dancer. Total devotion, self-sacrifice and enthusiasm are just blowing from tha stage what gives the additional magnetism to the performance already full of emotions. Respect and compliments to all the dancers." "Mariborčan", Maribor, Slovenia Maja Orbanič May, 1998 AWARDED "TANGO" AT THE FESTIVAL OF LITTORAL Strong impression left the performance Tango, inspired by rhythm and tunes of the South American dances, performed by ballet ensemble of the Opera Theatre of Maribor also at the Festival of Littoral. At the beginning there is a street, meetings, conflicts. Whisper from ear to ear, passion and eagerness like a spark in all its possible shades. There come couples, tender and modest Marina Krasnova and Florin Ibraši, stormy ardent Sergiu Moga and mercilessely determined Klavdija Čerimagić, Edward Clug, so desperately closed into his own unreliability, doesnt understand the depth of the language of love of Valentina Turcu, whose hand gestures accompanies chosen tunes of the musical pillar of Astor Piazzola or Goran Bregovid The applause couldnt stop, the applause to the dancers, to Edward Clug 26years-old Romanian choreographer and director, to whom the performance is the first full-lenght one. The performance is a clear proof for interest for sense and feeling, to show only the swifty thoughts of the steps of tango, the dynamics of moves, here and there inspired by karate. Nevertheless, Tango was awarded as the best performance of the season in Slovenia.” "II Picollo", Italy Silvia di Marino July, 1999 TANGO IS A STREET “Touching sad and pretty, tom out of live, rough, with sweat soaking energy turned back to life, was the Slovene story of tango, taken from its rudiments, into which the young Romanian director, choreographer and dancer Edward Clug put the fascinated power of the author's imagination on the stage of the Croatian National Theatre in the other night performance. That tango really hit the street of a boiling night and lazy day, we could nearly touch in Clug's view into the “streets of our childhood", where growing-up with danceless tango, but with so strong the inner beatinc scenic games of imagination, paraphrases witty move from the bottom of “our dreams, heart and wishes”. Clug's Tango is, therefore, more than just a poster-review-dedication to the dance from the Soth-American street with music - it is the rippling addition to the illusion from the other side of life." "Večemji list", Zagreb, Croatia B. Magdić October, 1998