
Konrada - nagrada dobijena na Drugom poljskom festivalu dramske režije "Interpretacije” (1999). Slavu i poštovanje kritičara stekao je svojim pn/im delitna: Tropsko ludilo, zasnovano na dramama Witkacyija; Neidentifikovani ljudski ostaci, Frazera, kao i Ivona, pn'nceza od Burgundije Gombrowicza. Sledeća predstava, Magnetizam srca, zasnovana na klasičnoj Fredrovoj drami, bila je same potvrda njegovog ređiteljskog umeća. Takode je režirao Doktora Fausta Tomasa Mana. U TV Teatru je startovao sa Istorijom Gombrowicza - tu realizaciju su sa oduševljenjem dočekaii i kritičari i gledaoci, Princ Miškin predstava zasnovana na Idiotu F. Dostojevskog bila je prva režija Jarzyne na Festivalu u Avinjonu (2000). Štampa i kriticari bill su oduševljeni. Pisali su: "Jarzyna, vrlo nadaren Lupin učenik." ("La Liberation"); "Reditelj sofisticirane inteligencije." ("L'Humanite"); “Ivonne donosi hladnoću od koje podilazi jeza." ("Le Figaro”). Poslednje večeri u pozorištu Municipal predstave su ispracene ovacijama publike, koja je bila na nogama. Sledeća predstava je bila Proslava - pozorišna adaptacija Vinterbergovog i Rukovog filmskog dela Festen. Ova predstava se pokazala najznačajnijim događajem u tekućoj sezoni. Proslava je izvedena na Prvom medunarodnom pozorišnom festivalu "Dialog" u Vroclavu, u Poljskoj (2001). Stampa je pisala: “Jarzyna ne samo što je talentovan već je i formiran u svakom pogledu. Tražen je na medunarodnim festivalima i cenjen u Poljskoj. Drugim rečima on nije zvezda u usponu, on je veliki autoritet. U njegovoj zemlji znaju kako da se brinu o mladim talentima". (Marina Davidova, "Vremja"). Predstava je pozvana u Hebbel teatar u Berlinu (u "Berliner Zeitungu" bilo je napisano: "Svakom direktoru koji se prihvati da postavi na scenu delo Festen veoma je teško da se suoči sa proslavljenim I upečatljivim filmom, Grzegorz Jarzyna je uspeo da uobliči ovu priču svojim mekim, ali veoma karakterističnim stiiom") I na Wiener Festwochen u Beču (“Zahvaljujući njegovom daru, pozorišna magija počinje da deiuje". - "Die Presse"; "Ova predstava samo potvrduje da je Jarzyna zlatno dete poljskog pozorišta." - "Austria Presse Agentur"). Poslednja predstava koju je režirao Grzegory Jarzyna je 4:48 Psihoza Sarahe Kane u pozorištu Rozmaitošci. Ta drama je izvedena I u Schauspielhausu u Diseldorfu. Predstave Jarzyne izvedene su na nekoliko prestižnih medunarodnih festivala: na Bijenalu u Bonu (1998), na Medunarodnom pozorišnom festivalu Divadelna Nitra '97, na Medunarodnom festivalu pozorišnih slika '9B u Sate Maru (Grand Prix), na Festivalu centralnoevropske kulture u Londonu, na Festivalu Europalia u Antverpenu, kao I na Festivalu Novi dramski pokret u Vilnusu.

realized Doctor Faustus by Thomas Mann. In TV Theatre he initiated with The History by Gombrowicz the realization was delightful welcome by critics and spectators. The Prince Myshkin - performance based on Idiot by F. Dostoyevsky was the first Jarzyna's realization presented on Festival d'Avignon (2000). The press and critics were delighted. They wrote: “Jarzyna, well-gifted Lupa's apprentice". ("La Liberation 11 ); "The director with sophisticated inteligence." ("L'Humanite"); "Ivonne brings the coolness, which makes one shuddered." ("Le Figaro"). The last evening in Theatre Municipal closed these presentations with standing ovation. The following performance was The Celebration - theatrical adaptation of Vinterberg's and Rukov's film screen play Fasten. This performance turned to be one of the most important events in current season. The Celebration was presented on the Ist International Theatre Festival "Dialog" in Wroclaw, Poland (2001). The press wrote: "Jarzyna - is not only talented, but he is also shaped in all the respects. He is in possession of the theatre and of his own artists. He is desirable on international festivals and appreciated in Poland. In the other words - this is not rising star, this is a great authority. In his country they know how to take care of young talents." (Marina Davidova, "Vremja") He was also invited to Hebbel Theatre in Berlin (Berliner Zeitung wrote: "To any director who undertakes staging Festen it is really difficult to face the glorious and persuasive movie. Grzegorz Jarzyna have managed to shape this story with his soft but very characteristic style."); and to Wiener Festwochen ("Thanks to his gift the theatre's magic starts to work." - "Die Presse"; "This performance only confirms that Jarzyna is a marvellous child of polish theatre." "Austria Presse Agentur"). in July 2002 The Celebration was presented on Festival d'Avignon. The last performance directed by Grzegorz Jarzyna is 4:48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane in Rosmaitošci Theatre. He realised this drama also in Schauspielhaus, Dusseldorf. Jaryzna's performances took part in a few prestige international festivals: on Bonn Biennale (1998) and on International Theatre Festival Divadelna Nitra '97, International Theatre Festival Image '9B in Satu Mare (Grand Prix), Festival of Central European Culture, London; Europalia Festival in Antwerp; New Drama Action, Vilnius.