
Days; Septembar 16th , 17th and 18th 2003, Time: 11 a.m. -14 p.m. Training workshops: - Project ARTTRAIN - ECU-Net "Forum Theatre - Theatre and Human Rights" - Project RTK "Right to Know - Theatre in Education for Preserving Health" - Project SUNO E RROMENGO "Roma dream - Emancipation Theatre" Facilitators-coordinators: Ivana Despotović, Ana Nestorović, Zoran Jovanović ART FOR SOCJAL CHANGE Topic; Transformations Location: Cultural Center 892 Rex, Jevrejska 16 Thursday, September 18th 17 p.m. - 19 p.m. Round table discussion Initiatives and implementations. The role of an artist in theatric activities with young people. Introducing drama into educational system. Resource center. Exchange for changes. Facilitator: Jelena Stojanovic Participants: Center for Drama in Education and Arts CEDEUM, Center for New Theatre and Dance CENPI, Independent Theatres Association ANET Support: ECF European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam, Netherlands Bitef Polyphony 2003 is carried out through support for projects "This is a real world" (Fund for an Open Society) "Right to Know" (UNICEF) "Roma Dream" (UNESCO) "ARTTRAIN - ECU - Net" (EU) "Art for Social Change" (European Cultural Foundation ) "Škozorište" (Belgrade Secretariat of Culture) "Drama Primary" (Ministry of Education and Sports)

BITEF POLYPHONY - history Bitef Polyphony was initiated in year 2000 as a program of seminars and training workshops for artists, regarding their role in work with young people. The topic of Bitef Festival 2000 was "Theatre and Evil". Bitef Polyphony dealt with the issue of violence through the presentation of the project "Art for Social Change - Play Against Violence", initiated by European Cultural Foundation and implemented in partnership with Soros Foundation Network in seven South-East European countries, through 27 pilot projects for young people, facilitated by theatre artists. The following, 2001, Bitef Festival dealt with "Eros&Etos", and 2nd Bitef Polyphony offered "New Harmonies", which dealt with author approaches, methods of work and evaluation processes, carried out through training workshops project, and titled I createOtherefore.l exist. The topic of 36th Bitef Festival - "New (World) theatric order" inspired 3rd Bitef Polyphony to deal with "global issues" of innovative practices of theatre authors in various areas of artistic, educational and social engagement. Bitef Polyphony presented various training methods and strategies through drama process and interactive theatre. Bearers and facilitators of Bitef Polyphony in past three years were CEDEUM (Center for Drama in Education and Arts), CENPI (Center for New Theatre and Dance) and ANET (Association of Independent Theatres). The Fight for Drama - The Fight for Education "...Kids, young children when they are small, ask the profoundest questions Every child asks the questions of the great philosophers. They ask the questions of Plato, Spinoza - any philosopher you like, a child asks those questions - very, very basic questions. Why? What? Wherefore? Where from? Questions as profound as that. So even a young child is asking these enormous questions which actually adults really can't answer. But if you're going to meet people's needs, you've got to have some answer, you've got to have some explanations of what the world is about..." (Edward Bond) Organizacija/Organisation: CEDEUM Centar za dramu u edukaciji i umetnosti/Center for drama in education and Art - Ljubica Beljanski-Ristić,

Slobodan Beštić, Gordana Dedić, Jadran Krnajski. Danijela Gvozdenović Kontakt/Contact: Tel: 011/639 639, 525 338: Fax: 183 792ma11: cedeum@infosky.net: www: cedeum.org Photo: Nenad M iloSević s