staroga doba, sfere na plazmu, destilatore, Bunsenov kljun, nekoliko spark-gap bacača varnica. Ali interesuje nas figura koja ide napred. Druga koja je nadvisuje upuduje poslednji pogled drugu koji ulazi. Zatim de je mrak progutati. Zena se klanja, izvija telo, evo je zauzima mesto. Ruke su ispružene na rotirajućem stolu od alabastera. Mastilo počinje svoju trku. Welcome, Nikola Tesla. Oluja iza njegovih leda obeležava svoje stanje, mesto akcije. Ali ona zna da izvan te scene ima precizan zadatak da ga dozove, još jedanput. Duvači ispaljuju, spark-gapovi varnicama pale vazduh, sto počinje
ludački da pleše. , Sve je spremno. Ali neSto neočekivano se . deSava. Black out Bakarna spirala zrakasto Siri svoju energiju i i evo, iz centra diska izliva se plavičasta svetlost. Obuzima nas taj zvuk, pucketanje zubima. On je | tu. Sedi, glava mu je pognuta nad knji- , gom.Cilindar na glavi. One paradoksalne cipele. A sa njim mala grlica. Jedini pratioci u njegovom životu.. On koji je dao svetlost našem pohlepnom svetu, on koji je prvi pobedio teško ostvarljiv izazov, novi Prometej sa munjom u ruci. Jedan kamen iskopan do dna. Nepokretan. Noge prave krug, leda se uzdižu i kao u čudu, evo ga da nam o sebi da sliku koju žarko želimo. Ali struja opet teče. Sto se opet pokreće na isti način, žuti listovi, mastilom napisana knjiga se izdiže, okreće, otvara se nad prazninom i pada.
Ženine oči se udaljavaju, otvara se prozor unutar nje. Motor štekće, ona je umorna. Da li je uspela? Nema više vremena. Ostrvo je odvodi sa sobom. Toranj. Toranj u Vanderklifu pada. Pogodene zgrade padaju, bude se da bi ponovo pale. Kavez je tu. Unutar kaveza, drugi manji kavez stiska jednu figuru. Oko se jedva naviklo, i već skreće na drugi stranu: novi organizam sebi kr£i put: svinjska glava, telo munje, a torzo klip motora. Podigni tu glavu, besramna životinjo, tvoje oči su moje oči. Jadne svinjice. Iz slepočnice iskra izleće u vazduh, dodiruje mesing i zatvara smrtonosni tok. Stolica koja sakuplja njegove prekinute nade. Ali on nije želeo tu viziju. Drugi inženjeri su bolje znali kako se peku Snide. Jedna Edisonova lampa se pali. A zatim se gasi. Visok je nekoliko stopa, u centru prstom pokazuje na drugu stranu. Uzima dve olovne mešine i ide napred. Da, baš prema nama. Zaustavlja se, karlicom brzo kruži udesno, skida svoje duboke cipele i seda. Sada je pognut, Iza njegovih leda svet se zatvara, napreduju oni duhovi koje svakako joS uvek voli, ali Magbetova šuma samo što ga nije progutala. Tada on odlučuje. Iznenada se okreće, diže se i ide unazad. Surna se razreduje. Spark^runner. Krhka figura se probija, bakarni cilindar je njegovo odlikovanje, na prstu srebrni naprstak. Rukom hvata varnicu i odnosi je sa sobom. Vreme je. Ona hoće tako. I onaj drugi odgovara. Po šinama napreduje ono za šta smo mislili da ne može nikada da se desi. Ali nema vremena za zaustavljanje, munje kao strele gadaju prema
čoveku koji se uvija. Iznenada menjaju pravac: kavez se okreće oko svoje ose: strašno pražnjenje vrši se na kavezu, figura unutra je zadrhtala. 1 jedna druga mala bela grlica diže se iz cilindra. Ekstaza se nastavlja. TRIBUTE TO NIKOLA TESLA, THE PROPHET NOT SUNG TRUE OF THE ELECTRIC AGE LIGHTNING PERFORMANCE
The Nikola Tesla conference from along wait came finally kept on February 3, 1902 face to the Association Of The Engineers Electricians Of London. Even though the newspapers at that time have taken back for extended the particular minimums of those experiences, no illustration can give an idea of the magnificent obtained effects and of the impression which takes offence. "magnificent, a wonderful vision, an awful display, glorious, so wonderful, what somebody could have dread to speak " With Tesla children's astonishment he was anticipating, with these words, the destiny which would have taken him up to the end of his days. Too much in advance on the time, his time, heedless of the rules of the production, not devotional to the power of who could have helped it. Precursor of the radio experiments, in 1898 a radiocontrolled boat had publicly tested to the Madison
Square Garden of New York; in the next year he was owning a transmitting station to Colorado Springs, in the rocky mountains; in 1912 was proposed to him the Reward Nobel, what it refused, been offended not to have received it in 1909 to the Guglielmo Marconi place. Tesla was not satisfied to transmit minute amounts of energy disguised as waves 1 radiate, but it was through the air intending to transmit big amounts current to be used for domestic or industrial use. You imagine, in other words, the electricity which arrives to your home without need of threads but collection from an aerial like the radio or television signals. It is not the ingeniousness of Nikola Tesla which surprises, is the method with which he was proceeding to the solution of very complicated scientific problems it, it is the astonishment which was showing in front of the result. His inventions were causing a strangeness, his fights was fights against the identification: "I was seeing with pleasure that I could show with big easiness". I was not needing no model, drawing or experiments. I could paint them as all as real in my mind. As soon as one builds an equipment pratically to realize a pure idea, it is inevitably engaged to define the details about the equipment itself. As he proceeds with the improvements and the building, his concentration strength decreases and risks to lose of sight the fundamental princes. My method is different. I do not rush on the true and real work. When I have an idea, I start for first thing building it in my imagination. I change the building, do improvements and start the equipment in my mind. It is absolutely the same for me both that he has my turbine turned in the thought and that he tries it in my laboratory. There is not difference some; the results are the same ones, "in twenty years she did not verify the minimum exception".