
17 - 29. septembar / Pozorista Beograda September 17 - 29 th / Belgrade Theatres

essary after its prolonged isolation. The criterion adopted m the selection of productions was very simple and could be defined as the cultivation of the BITEF tradition in the national theatre. In a nutshell, the selection included projects developed in Ime with the ideology and principles of this festival which has always been daring and innovative, resisting the rigid and conservative concept of the (quasi)bourgeois theatre. Paradoxically, after almost four decades, BITEF still meets with a contradictory treatment in the official theatre circles. The festival enjoys a major prestige among those artists who realise that a professional exchange with the world is indispensable and are desirous of new information and at one and the same time the contempt (fortunately on the wane of late) of a part of the conservative theatre establishment holding it too free and self-contained. In addition to the already established theatrical phenomena, the most important indubitably being Biljana Srbljanović, one of the most striking phenomena on the international stage, who may not be bypassed in any kind of selection, this yeatis selection devoted particular attention to the phenomena which are an exception to rather than typical representatives of the contemporary Serbian theatre. These are phenomena and poetics still taking shape and not yet canonised in the Serbian theatre theory although present in our practice for quite a long time. The recognition and proper and competent analysis of the contemporary Serbian theatre practice is the logical job of BITEF as it is, I think, the right place to institute a way of thinking which does not follow the beaten track, and an idiom which is not local but rather universally understandable. Special attention has been accorded to the dance theatre which has still not won an adequate place (either physically or mentally) in the Serbian contemporary theatre and which has, nonetheless, constituted for years the backbone of the theatre practice in a large part of the world I also took care to provide equal space to the already established and recognised theatre artists (Dejan Mijač) and young artists whose time is coming (Tomi Janežič, Dalija Aćin, Bojana Mladenović, Jelena Bogavac). And, in conclusion, I cried to include as many theatres as possible, not only from Belgrade which, as a rule and due to inertia, enjoys an edge, but also from other towns where brave and non-standard theatre thought requires perhaps even more courage chan in the capital and which a festival like BITEF ought to support and thus make a long-term contribution to the change of theatre parameters here. Anja Suša, theatre director, selector of the 39 r 1 BITEF Showcase Programme

SHOWCASE - PROGRAM / PROGRAMME 17. septembar, 18:00 h / Maio pozorište “Duško Radović" 55 NEXT STEP - STEP CLOSER Autori: Bojana Mladenović i Dušan Mimé 19. septembar, 22:00 h / Beogradsko dramsko pozorište ih 10' Sarah Kane: RAZNESENI / BLASTED Reditelj / Director: Đurđa Tešić 21. septembar, 22:00 h /Jugoslovensko dramsko pozorište ihos' Woody Alen: SMRT / DEATH Reditelj / Director: Marko Manojlović 22. septembar, 20:30 h / Jugoslovensko dramsko pozorište ih 35' Uglješa Sajtinac: HUDDERSFIELD Reditelj / Director: Alex Chisholm, UK Narodno pozorište Uiice: 2hls' 23. septembar, 20:30 h / Bitef teatar Edward Albee: KO SE BOJI VIRDŽINIJE VULF / WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF Reditelj / Director; Stefan Džeparoski Ister Teatar, Beograd: ih 24. septembar, 18:00 h / Bitef teatar Edward Albee: USTA SUMNJIVIH 111 KO JE POJEO PUDDING / LIST OF SUSPECTS OR WHO ATE THE PUDDING? Reditelj / Director: Anđelija Todorovic Pozorište “Bora Stanković ”, Vranje: ihos 1 26. septembar, 18:00 h / Beogradsko dramsko pozorište Stevan Sremac: ZONA ZAMFIROVA Reditelj / Director: Filip Gajić 27. septembar, 20:00 h / Bitef teatar ih Milena Bogavac: CRVENA / RED Reditelj / Director; Jelena Bogavac Ûjvidéki Szt'nhdz, Novi Sad: ih Ю 1 28. septembar, 18:00 h / Bitef teatar Euripides: MÉDEIA KÖRÖK/ MEDEA 'S CIRCLES 29. septembar, 18:00 h / Beogradsko dramsko pozorište 40' GLORY HOLE Reditelj / Director: Dalija Aon