

Master class Miloša Sofrenovića U tihoj zemlji fizičkog uma 16 -19. septembar / Dom omladine Beograda, Velika scena

MANIFEST Potreba za kretanjem potiče iz želje za oslobađanjem i otvaranjem praznine da bi telo progovorilo. Postoji li jezik tela kao takav? Može li ono da ne bude rob informaeija koje njime upravljaju u ime raeija? Zdrava pamet postoji za um. Zašto ne bi poštojala i za telo? Incegritec, postojanje, boja, zvuk, miris, „ukus“ i osećaj tela su teme koje želim da istražim i prikažem. Zelim da istražim i pokažem njegovo puteno postojanje / stvarnost (tajanstvena, puna hodnika koji povezuju istovremeno i razdvajaju pokrete, ali ne i njihovo značenje). Sta(?) / Zašto (?) / Kada (?) Gde (?) se sve to dogada? Kako se moie projektovati? Zelja tela da bar jednom bude videno u svom punom poscojećem poretku. Telo ne moie postojati bez značenja ma koliko njegovo kretanje postalo složeno i komplikovano. (Miloš Sofrenović) OPIS RADIONICE „U ćutljivoj zemlji telesnog uma“ - četvorodnevna radionica za 20 igrača i glumaca zainteresovanih za istraživanje pokreta; uvođenjem i primenom mnogobrojnih improvizacionih tehnika (iz zapadne i istočne tradicije); istraživanjem pokreta iz različitih perspektiva: a) kao izvodač/improvizator, b) kao autor/koreograf, c) kao nastavnik; artikulacijom i razvojem ličnog rečnika/jezika pokreta; pregledom odabranih video podataka. MILOŠ SOFRENOVIĆ Education: BA(Hons.) Dance Theatre, Laban Centre London (1999-2002) - scholarship student Studies of World Literature at Belgrade University (1999) Six Years of Music Training - piano Professional work 2005. Performing a solo “A Piece of Monologue” at the 2005 Balkan Dance Platform, Skopje; Working with the Copenhagen based dance company X-act - artistic director Ms. Kitt Johnson. 2004 Choreographing and performing a solo “A Piece of Monologue” at the Danzine International Dancers and Choreographers Residency Festival; Working with the Singapore based dance company Odyssey Dance Theatre -artistic director Mr. Danny Tan; Working with the Berlin based choreographer Filippo Armaci on his dance theatre production “Indancities” at La Fabrica in Locarcno; Collaborating with Ms. Dagmar Hoss (Austrian artist) on her visual art project “Watching the pain”; Working with the Vienna based dance company Tanz Theater Wien artistic director Ms. Liz King, 2003, Working with the Berlin based choreographer Filippo Armati on his dance theatre production “Тс-No” at La Fabrica in Locarno; Working with the Berlin based dance company Coartis -artistic director Mr. Mikhail Honesseau; Working with the Brasilian choreographer Cristine

Perera 2002. Teaching Butoh based workshop “Silent Land’’ in Berlin: Choreographing and directing a piece “Whole” which was presented at London’s Cochrane Theatre; Choreographing a piece “A Piece of Monologue” (after Samuel Beckett) which was presented at London’s Solstice Festival and at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival; Taking part in the S weeks intensive Dance Web Scholarship Programme in Vienna. Master classes in choreography and contemporary techniques with Susanne Linke, Ismail Ivo, Christine Capriolli, Anthony Rizzi and Ko Murobushi; Intensive Butoh workshop with the Japanese master Tadashi Endo; Man' Wigman - Kurt Jooss master class with Dr. Ana Sanchez-Colberg; Cast for the in Pina Bausch’s production “Masurca Fogo” which was performed at Sadlers Wells London: Taking role as die main choreographer and dancer (Butoh Dance) for John Galliano’s new design presentation for Christian Dior Fashion House in London. 2001. Taking part as a dancer in the piece at the Solstice Festival in London; Taking part as a choreographer at the Video Dance Prize Competition 2000 - 2001 in Cologne; Taking part in the workshop of the Japanese dancer - choreographer Yumiko Yoshioka; Taking part in the workshop of Wim Vandekeybus’ Ultima Vez Companyin Brussles; Taking part in the workshop of the London based choreographer Akram Khan; Performing William Forsythe repertory at Muffathalle in Munich (Tanzwerkstadt Europa). 2000, Taking part in the workshops of Wim Vandekeybus and William Forsythe in Munich; Performing in “Nightwish Hidden Child in Red Sky” - student production at Bonnie Bird Theatre in London. 1999. Performing (guest appearance) with the well-known Netherlands Dance Theatre II in the choreography of Nacho Duato “Minus 16” at Sadlers Wells London; Choreographing and performing a piece “Why DoWe Have To?” at Bonnie Bird Theatre in London; Performing at the Nothing Hill Gate Summer Festival in London in the choreographed version of Kafka’s novel “The Trial", 1998. Working as a translator for the Belgrade International Theatre Festival (BITEF) and as a host for the well-known theatre companies -Wim Vandekeybus, Volcano Theatre Company, Margaret Jenkins Dance Company. 1997. Member of the well-known physical theatre company of Sonja Vukicevic (internationally established choreographer). Performing at the significant international festivals in Bulgaria, Germany, Macedonia, UK, Sweden, etc, 1996. Working for the British Council in Belgrade. Awards: Residency awarded by the Dance Omi International Dancers’ Collective in USA (2005) ' Residency awarded by the Odyssey Dance Theatre Company in Singapore (2004) Scholarship awarded by the Yugoslav Ministry of Culture (2002) Scholarship awarded by the Dance Web Scholarship Programme in Vienna (2002) Scholarship awarded by the Laban Centre London (1999 - 2002) Scholarship awarded by the Soros Foundation in Belgrade (1999)

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