

Kinoteka Museum, Kosovska 11 Editor: Vera Konjović

1 Tuesday 1 19th September 1 17:30 \

Peter Weiss MARAT/SADE Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade Adaptation: Adrian Mitchell Direction: Peter Brook Music: Richard Peaslee Cast: Patrick Magee (Marquis de Sade), lan Richardson (Jean-Paul Marat), Michael Williams (Herald), Clifford Rose (M. Coulmier), Glenda Jackson (Charlotte Corday), John Steiner (Duperret), Freddie Jones (Cucurucu), Hugh Sullivan (Kokol), Susan Williamson (Simonne Evrard), Roher Lloyd (Jacques Roux), Jonathan Burn (Polpoch), and many others Production: Marat Sade Production, United Kingdom, 1966 Duration: 7 75 minutes In the asylum in Charenton the Marquis de Sade directs his play about the last days of Jean-Paul Marat. The cast Is made of inmates. In the play the dialogue cedes place to the monologue. The author resorted to this in order to juxtapose better two philosophies, two different minds: Marat's and de Sade's. Marat advocates social changes with the use of force and de Sade opines that death and violence do not resolve anything; life is hard regardless of who holds the power. Brook started directing Genet's Les Paravents, but half-way through changed his mind and decided to tackle another play that he had brought from a visit in Germany: Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade (Die Verfolgung und Ermordung Jean Paul Marat, dargestellt durch die Schauspielgruppe des Hospizes zu Charenton under der Leitung des Herrn De Sade) by Peter Weiss. He agreed with the management of the Royal Shakespeare Company to direct two new plays - Marat/Sade (1964) and US (1966) on its stage at the Aldwych Theatre, Both plays, and Brook's production, were met with acclaim. For practical reasons the complicated title of Weiss' play was fortunately shortened by somebody to Marat/Sade and it is now better known under that name. Glenda Jackson, young and relatively little known at the time, was cast in both these plays.



Brook demanded from the actors to study Bruegel's and Hogarth's pictures and Goya's etchings,They also saw two French films Regard sur la folie and Le Maitre-Fou. Actors and associates were requested to dig in themselves and dig out their own lunacies which could be endured for two and a half hours (the scheduled duration of the performance). The production was so successful that it was decided to make it into a film. It was done in 1966. That same year it premiered in Atelje 212 in Belgrade directed by Mira Trailovic, one of the founders and the long-time director of BITEF.

I Wednesday \ 20th September \ 17:30 1

Marguerite Duras MODERATO CANTABILE Script: Duras, Jarlot, Brook Directed by: Peter Brook Cast: Jeanne Moreau, Jean-Paul Belmondo Production; Raoul J. Levy, France/ltaly, 1960 Awards: Cannes Festival 1960: Jeanne Moreau - best actress award (Ex aequo with Melina Merkouri), Peter Brook - nomination for La Palme d'Or Duration: 90 minutes Anne, the wife of a rich industrialist, leads a dull, purposeless life. One day she hears a strident, desperate scream of a woman being killed by her lover. Profoundly upset she goes to the crime scene and there meets a young man. The conversation about the event brings them ever closer together. However, in their relationship, there is also suppressed violence. At the moment of their inevitable separation, Anne throws herself on the floor, to the exact spot where the murdered women lay and imitates her scream. Marguerite Duras (1914-1996) is a French authoress who gained world fame when at the request of director Alain Resnais she wrote a film script based on her novel Hiroshima Mon Amour and was noml-