
PROGRAM Curators: Biljana Tomic, Dobrila Denegrí Exhibition: Digital prints of the participants of Bitef 1968-973 / YDP Quests: participants in the art program Bitef 1 968-973 Lectures, projections, documentation; Achille Bonito Oliva, professor, curator, critic, Rome (organized by the Italian Cultural Centre and "Clio") Germano Celant, curator, critic, Genova Michelangelo and Maria Pistoletto, Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella Valentina Valentini, professor, media and theatre critic, Rome Angela Vettese, profesor, curator, critic, Venetia, Milan Johan Gerz, professor, artist, Paris Jan Fabre, artist, drama director, Brussels Nathalie Zonnenberg, curator, critic, Amsterdam Johan Thom, artist, professor, Pretoria Marko Pogačnik, artist, Šempas Goran Trbuljak, artist, Zagreb Group six (Marina Abramović, RašaTodosijević, Zoran Popović, Neša Paripović, Slobodan Milivojević Era, Gergelj Urkom), Belgrade Bosch+Bosch, Balint Szombathy, artist, Subotica Art happenings (installations, projections, performances, music happenings, street happenings): Maja Beganović, Snježana Torbica, Nina Simonović, Jelena Pantović, Vladimir Ivaz, Jovana Jovanović, Ljubica Buba Čvorić, Marina Tomić, Vesna Zarev, Nemanja Lađić, Branko Milisković, Sanja Ždrnja, Pređrag Kešelj, Miiorad Stojčić, Marina Stojanović, Bojana Nikolić, Bojan Jovanović, Goran Marinić, Milan Hrnjazović, Jelena Stojanović, Dušan Radosavljević, Katarina Radović, Stefana Savić, Jadranka liić, Mihailo Vasiljević, .Branko Milisković, Ana Nedeljković, Mlljana Radojčić, Jelena Aranđelović, Marija Aranđelović, Mihajlo Cvetković, Mića Stajčić, Šejma Prodanović, Maja Radnović, Gordana Belić, Marko Marković, Nina Ivanović, Jelena Bajac, Jovan Jović, Nataša Stojanović, Ana Zdravković, Lidija Delić, Ksenija Kostić, Bogdan Doric, Ivan llijev, Marko Kresoja, Goran Marinić, Kešrlj Predrag, Bojana Rajević, Miloš Šebeković, Jelena Stojanović, Nemanja Nlkolić, Saša Stojanović, Sandra Đukić, Jelena Lazarević Location; Yugoslav Drama Theatre, Residence of Princess Ljubica, Atelje 212, Bitef Theatre.... Streets, squares, parks, rivers, bridges Special thanks to: The City Assembly of Belgrade, Secretariat for Culture, Ministry of Education, Italian Embassy, Italian Cultural Institute, Goethe Institute Belgrade, Belgrade City Museum, Yugoslav Drama Theatre, Documentary Program SKC, Bitef Festival.

Supported by; GRAFIX, OIKOS, AVALKA ADA, PUBLIKUM, VODA VODA, DON CAFE', CRVENIPETOA, PIETRO DELL'ORO, APROPO, HAND MADE SHOE, IZLOG, GALERIJA HAOS, CHIC&LOVE&CHIC, DISTANTE, FRIZER LOLA, ISIDORAS, GRUBIN. Biljana Tomic and Dobrila Denegrí would like to thank all dear friends and participants of the Artistic Manifestation - Bitef 19681973, involved in the show Progressive Hopes. We wish to thank to all professors and students of Art University, Faculties and Academies of Fine Arts who accepted to take part in the artistic events of AM program. Especially we thank to the Embassy of the Republic of Italy for its support, and to His Excellency Ambassador Alessandro Merola and to attaché for culture Filippo Colombo. We wish to thank to Italian Cultural Institute, to director Mr. Giorgio Salerno and cultural attaché Mrs. AlessandraTaliani. Thanks to dear friends from Goethe Institut. We wish to thank to the Belgrade City Museum, Mr.Bojan Kovačević, director and Mrs. Nada Seferovic, curator. We wish to thankfor documentary materials to Dragica Vukadinovic, curator of SKC. We wish to thank to the Transfusion Office.

IstltlitO Italiano di Cultura