
The Centre for Study of Jerzy Grotowski's Work and for Cultural and Theatrical Research, Grotowski's laboratory theatre, Vroclav, Poljska 26-30. septembar, 17:00-22:00 Fakultet dramskih umetnosti, Beograd Vodi: Rena Mirecka Rena Mirecka je dvadeset pet godina radila kao glumica Jerzya Grotowskog iTeatra Laboratoriuma. Diplomirala je na Pozorišnoj školi u Krakovu. Specijaliziraia je vežbe telesne piastike. Igrala je glavne ženske uloge u svim predstavama kojeje radio Jerzy Grotowski (između ostalih: Akropolis, Postojaniprinc i Apocalypsis cum Figuris). Od sedamdesetih godina XX veka vodi nezavisni projekat„Glumačka energija". Kasnije je promenila projekat u „Budi ovde, sada" i „Put do centra", koji je vodila zajedno sa Ewom Benesz i Mariuszom Sochom. Trenutno radi na projektu Laboratorija„The Way"u okviru Studije umetnosti glumca. Renu Mirecku je beogradska publika upoznaia još 1967. godine, kada je na 1. Bitefu igraia glavnu ulogu u predstavi Postojani princ Jerzyja Grotowskog. Predstava je osvojila Grand Prix - Mira Trailović. Rena Mirecka je ponovo u Beogradu nakon četrdeset godina, ovog puta kao autor i voditelj petodnevne istraživačke laboratorije namenjene domadm pozorišnim stvaraocima. Ona će, tokom celodnevnog rada sa dvadeset učesnika, voditi fizičke treninge i treninge za glas, pojedinačne instrumente, kao i grupu instrumenata, istraživanja na podrucju razlidtih dtanja teksta, imaginacije kreativnog izražavanja i transcendiranja okvira percepcije. Ova laboratorija predstavija svojevrsnu provokaciju razlidtih i drugadjih pozicioniranja glumca kao izvođača u pozorišnom diskursu.

Photo/Foto: Paola Torricelli

Photo/Foto: Paola Torricelli

The Centre for Study of Jerzy Grotowski's Work and for Cultural and Theatrical Research, Grotowski's laboratory theatre, Wroclav, Poland Septembre 26th-30th, 17:00-22:00 Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade Lead by: Rena Mirecka Rena Mirecka is an actress of Jerzy Grotowski and the Laboratory Theatre for 25 years. She graduated from the Theatre School in Cracow and is a specialist in exercises of body plastics. Rena performed leading women roles in all performances created by Jerzy Grotowski (among others in: Acropolis, The Constant Prince and Apocalypsis cum Figuris). Since the seventies she has been independently conducting her own project "Acting Energy". She later transformed the project into "be here, now - Towards" and "The way to the centre" which she led together with Ewa Benesz and Mariusz Socha. At present she is working on the project Laboratory "The Way" in frame of the Study of Actor's Art. Belgrade audience met Rena Mirecka in 1967 when, on the Ist Bitef, she starred in the performance The Constant Prince, directed by the famous director Jerzy Grotowski. This performance won the Grand Prix - Mira Trailović Rena Mirecka is in Belgrade again, after forty years, this time as an author and the leader of the five day long research laboratory intended for the local theatre artists. In an all-day long workshop with twenty participants, she will lead physical and vocal trainings, trainings with individual instruments, as well as groups of instruments, explorations of diverse ways of reading the script, imagination, creative expression and transcending the frameworks of perception.