
АТ: I wanted to ask you about your Choreographie process. Is it something that evolved, that you started in one spot and then thè more you did it, you got more ideas of how you work? Not the actual choreography, but your whole way of thinking about it. ON: Evolved isthe key word. It's evolving. It's a process thattakes meto places l've never been before. Otherwise I would be bored with it.The sense of discovery is always there. I think it has a lotto do with how my relationship with ту dancers evolved, too. They (bave) become more and more meaningful contributors to the process, especially since we started doing Gaga as our training about four years ago. АТ: I wanted to ask about music, because it is obvious that it's an important eiement for you. ON: Yes, yes. There's something about music and structure and order and mathematics. There is something particular about this Bach piece ( Goldberg Variations) and the way that Glenn Gould is playing it that the beauty of it really comes from making the music very bare. It's so beautiful without any decoration. You really feel how the structure of the piece and the rhythm and the logie of it actually can create all the emotions and transport you into this landscape.This music is also almost like the sound of a metronome. Something so clean and minimalistic about it. Somehow meditating with it brought me to create the System of lifting the arms (in the Bellus section), which is really different from the System of the music. But i still feel loyal to it somehow. AT: You also bave a sense of space. ON: It's space that gives me the reason I can dance, i considerthe importance of space in my existence more than time. 1 feel time passesanyway. I bave no control over time, but I have control over space, I can really change the space and create the space, but i cannot change time and I cannot create time, l'm awareoftime, how long ittakes to do something, and I make a decisión how long I wantto do something, but it's more about how long it takes to go from one piace to another and that has more to do with space than with time. AT; Is there anything else you'd like to say? ON: Every Interviewer asks me that. Yes. Cover your mirrors or break them. Don't use mirrors when you dance. Don't use mirrors when you live. They are very limiting, they are an ¡llusión. They have really stopped dance from developing as far as it could go without (them).That's for sure. Every time I cometo a ballet company to Choreograph, I cover the mirrors. At the beginning it is so difficult, but atthe end ofthe process, the dancers are so grateful.