photo: Imre Varga
Pozoríste „Katona Jószef" ' je najpoznatija madarska pozorisna trupa - javno pozoríste koje uglavnom podrzava grad Budimpesta. Rodeno Je kao nezavisna druzina, 1982. godine, kada se otcepilo od Narodnog pozorista u Budimpesti pod vodstvom generalnog dírektora Gábora Székelya i umetnickog direktora Gábora Zsámbékíja. Na mestu generalnog direktora od 1989. godine nalazi se Gábor Zsámbéki, dok je Gábor Máté generalni reditelj, a uz njega Tamás Ascher, Péter Gothár i Viktor Bodó kao reditelji. Nekoliko glumaca i reditelja predaju studentíma na Pozorisnoj i filmskoj akademiji. Pozoríste „Katona Jószef" odrzava mnogobrojne medunarodne veze i osnivac je Unije evropskih pozorista. Trupa redovno gostuje u inostranstvu i do dañas je izvodila predstave u vise od 60 svetskih gradova, od Pariza do Cikaga, od Londona do Karakasa, od Milana do Adelaide. „Katonine" predstave i glumci debili su mnoga znacajna nacionalna i internacionalna priznanja.
The Katona József Theatre is the best known Hungarian theatre company - a public theatre, supported mainly by thè City of Budapest. As an independent company, it was born in 1982, seceding of the National Theatre of Bùdapest, led by general director Gábor Székely and art director Gábor Zsámbéki. Since 1989 the post of general director has been held by Gábor Zsámbéki with Gábor Máté as general stage director, Tamás Ascher and PéterGothárathisside as stage directors. •*, ' / The Katona József Theatre has extensive international Connections and it is a founding member of European Theatres. The company regularly embarks on international tours and to date has performed in more than 60 cities of the Paris to Chicago, from London to Bogota, from Milan to Adelaide. The productions and artists of the Katona have received numerous impertant national and international awards.