
DALIJAACIN % W ' : ." KOREOGRAF Щ 2006. - There is по exception to the rule because I am néver what I have, Bitef Teatar - GAMEPLAY, Beogradsko dramsko pozoriste 2005. - she_versionl, Festival koreo.grafskih minijatura, Narodno pozoriste 2004. - Ultimate Illusion, BELEF, Beogradsko dramsko pozoriste 2003. - Clory Hole, BELEF, Beogradsko dramsko pozoriste - Disclose, Forum za novi pies. Novi Sad 2002. - Pasija po telu/Echoes ofSilence. Bitef Teatar - Peep Sorrow, Festival koreografskih minijatura, Narodno pozoriste 2000. - Buridan, KPGT, Beograd, Subotica 1999. - Severozapad, obala, Festival koreografskih minijatura, Narodno pozoriste 1998. - Intimus, BELEF, Beograd 1997. - Monoview, Festival koreografskih minijatura, Narodno pozoriste

FESTIVALI - BITEF 2003,2007, Beograd, Srbija - BITEF Showcase 2005,2006, Beograd, Srbija - BELEF 2003,2004,2005, Beograd, Srbija - INFANT 06, Novi Sad, Srbija - lETM, Beograd, Srbija -Tanzhaus nrw, Diseldorf, Nemacka - Oppia Solo Fest, Milano, Italija - KIC BudoTomovic, Podgorica, Crna Gora - Sfumato, Sofia, Bugarska - ExTeatar Fest, Pancevo, Srbija - Dance Meeting, Dures, Albanija -Tanz im August, Berlin, Nemacka -Tanztendenzen, Grajfsvald, Nemacka - Mladi Levi, Ljubljana, Slovenija - Play Serbia, Lajpcig, Nemacka -Jacksons LaneTheatre, London, Velika Britanija - Beo Fest, Bolonja, Italija - Live Act, Maribor, Slovenija - Balkan Dance Platform, Sofia, Bugarska - Balkan Dance Paltform, Buukurest, Rumunija

DALMA ACIN CHOREOGRAPHER ir 2006. - There is no exception to the rule because I am never what I bave, Bitef Те -GAMEPLAY, Beigrade DramaTheatre 2005. - she_version 1, Festival of Choreographie Miniatures, National Theatre 2004. - Ultimate Illusion, BELEF, Beigrade Drama Theatre 2003. - Ultimate Illusion, BELEF, Beigrade Drama Theatre - Disclose, Forum for New Dance, Novi Sad 2002. - Pasija po telu/Echoes ofSilence, Bitef Teatar - Peep Sorrow, Festival of Choreographie Miniatures, National Theatre 2000. - Buridan, KPGT, Beigrade, Subotica ; 1999. - Severozapad, obala, Festival of Choreographie Miniatures, 1998. - Intimus, BELEF, Beigrade 1997. - Monoview, Festival of Choreographie Miniatures, National Theatre

FESTIVALS - BITEF 2003,2007, Beigrade, Serbia - BITEF Showcase 2005,2006, Beigrade, Serbia - BELEF 2003,2004,2005, Beigrade, Serbia - INFANT 06, Novi Sad, Serbia - lETM, Beigrade, Serbia -Tanzhaus nrw, Dusseldorf, Germany - Oppia Solo Fest, Milano, Italy - KIC BudoTomovic, Podgorica, Montenegro - Sfumato, Sofia, Bulgaria - ExTeatar Fest, Pancevo, Serbia - Dance Meeting, Dures, Albania - Tanz im August, Berlin, Germany - Tanztendenzen, Greifswald, Germany J||| - Mladi Levi, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1 - Play Serbia, Leipzig, Germany -Jacksons LaneTheatre, London, UK - Beo Fest, Bologna, Italy - Live Act, Maribor, Slovenia Я - Balkan Dance Platform, Sofia, Bulgaria | - Balkan Dance Paltform, Bucharest, Romania