

И line drawn freehand inspires the theatrical form: both its perfection and the approximation of its shape. In human terms, it is to want something strongly, yet fail to perfectly realize it. Aurélien Bory Phil Soltanoff

AURÉLIEN BORY - Born in 1972, he lives and works in Toulouse. His aesthetic combines space art, live art and visual arts. He includes collaborations into his own creative process. Artistic director of compagny 111, he has conceived and still performs a trilogy about space, of whom UK (created in 2000) is the first episode. Then followed Plan В (2003) and Plus ou moins l'infini (2005) he created in collaboration with the director Phil Soltanoff. At the same period, he worked in Tangier, and composed TAOUB, a piece for twelve morrocan acrobats. Erection (2003), and lat er Arrêts de jeu (2006) are the two first collaborations with Pierre Rigal. In 2006, he has been invited in Zürich by Zimmermann-de Perrot to collaborate on their performance GaffAff. In 2007, Bory has created in China les sept planches de la ruse, his seventh piece, composed with Beijing Opera actors from Dalian. PREVIOUS WORK OF COMPANY 111 : The Space Trilogy Plus ou moins l'infini /More or Less Infinity by Aurélien Bory and Phil Soltanoff is the last part of a trilogy about space. UK, the first opus, created in Toulouse in 2000, was about three-dimensional space: the volume. Plan B, created in Toulouse in 2003, was the second part of the trilogy and the first collaboration with Phil Soltanoff. It was about two-dimensional space: the plane. More or Less, Infinity created in theatre Vidy-Lausanne in 2005 ends the trilogy with a work about one-dimensional space: the line. The space trilogy is still being presented after more than five hundred performances worldwide.

3r Aurelien Bory was a guest of Bitef teatar in 2005 as a director of the solo dance « Erection » performed by Pierre Rigal and produced by Dernière minute