
Mesto izvođenja / Venue: Sava Centar Datum / Date: 26. September 2009. u 20h Trajanje / Duration: 2h

ENPARTS is an international five-year long project 2007-2013, which offers support to new creation and improvement of artistic coproductions. Under the auspices of the European Committee, each year are realised several experimental coproductions among project partners: La Biennale di Venezia (I), Bitefteatar (SRB), Dance Umbrella (UK), Musicadhoy (E), Musik der jarhundrete (DE i Spielzeit's Europa / Berliner Festspiele (DE). The guideline for the ENPARTS project considers the development of educational and research activities in the field of performing arts.


Reditelj Dimiter Gočev je postavio dramu Dejana Dukovskog - zbirku scena - Bure baruta sa izuzetnom glumačkom podelom i svojim stalnim saradnicima, Balkan Orkestar kojim rukovodi Sandi Lopičič. Današnji Balkan je deo Nove Evrope po svom načinu života, ali je izabran za prostor dešavanja u predstavi Bure baruta za reviju u obliku detektivske price о nasilnim ljudima koji eksplozivno i smešno ističu muževnost. Predstava Bure baruta premijerno je izvedena u Berlinu u spielzeit'europa, a evropska turneja uključije Beograd i Veneciju. "THE BALKANS ARE A BARREL OF GUNPOWDER" Director Dimiter Gotscheff has created Dejan Dukovski's collection of scenes The Powder Keg with a dream cast from his acting "family"and the Balkan Orkestar conducted by Sandy Lopicic. The Balkans, today's New Europe as it lives and breathes, become the setting in The Powder Keg for a revue in the form of a detective storytelling of the explosive ridiculousness of violent people and life-threatening masculinity. The Powder Keg, a European co-production had its premiere in Berlin at spielzeit'europa and then tour to several cities including Belgrade and Venice,