

Roland Schimmelpfennig is by now the most played German dramatist, with over forty international set ups and dramas performed in more than twenty world languages. Since the year of 2000 he works after requests from the City Theatre in Stuttgart and Hanover, the Wiener Bürghtheater, the Schauspielhaus in Zurich and the Deutsches Theater in Berlin, With his sixteen dramas written until the age of 38, he is one of the most fertile contemporary drama writers in the world. Some of his most performed plays are: The Arabian Night (2001), Push Up 1-3 (2001) and The Woman from Before (2004). Roland Schimmelpfennig now lives in Berlin. His plays Die arabische Nacht, Die Frau von friiherand Push Up 1-3 have been performed in Serbia and published in Serbian in Arapska noć i druge drame, Ars Dramatica Nova, Jugoslovensko dramsko pozorište, 2007 on the occasion of premiere The Arabian Night directed by Ljubiša Matić in Yugoslav Drama Theatre. MAJA PELEVIĆ Dramska spisateljica i dramaturg Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu. Završila FDU, Odsekza dramturgiju u Beogradu, 2005. Izvedene drame; ESCape u režiji Jelene Bogavac, Bitef Art Café, 2004; ler u reziji Slađane Kilibarde, Narodno pozorište u Subotici i u režiji Miloša Lazina za MTM Mostar, 2005; Fake Porno (zajedno sa Milenom i Jelenom Bogavac i Filipom Vujoševićem) u režiji Jelene Bogavac, Bitef teatar, 2005; Budite Lejdi na jedan dan u režiji Ksenije Krnajski, Bitef teatar, 2005; Beograd-Berlin u režiji Ksenije Krnajski, Zvezdara teatar, i u režiji Predraga Kalabe u pozorištu Volksbühne (Parazit Project), Berlin 2005; Pomorandžina kora u režiji Gorana Markovića, Atelje 212, 2006, te u režiji Bojane Lazić za Centar za kulturu Lazarevac 2008 i u režiji Kokana Mladenovića u Ujvideki szinhaz, 2009, i u SpeltriebeTheaterStadt Osnabrück, 2009; Ja ill neko drugl u režiji Kokana Mladenovića, Srpsko narodno pozorište, Novi Sad, 2007; Skočiđevojka u režiji Kokana Mladenovića, koprodukcija Grada teatra Budve i Srpskog narodnog pozorišta, Novi Sad, 2007; Putokaz-beskrajno blizu, beskrajno daleko (Via Balkan) u režiji Kokana Mladenovića, Narodno pozorište Sombor, 2007; Hamlet Hamlet Eurotrash (tekst i režija zajedno sa Filipom Vujoševićem), Pozorište na Terazijama, 2008; Možda smo mi Miki Maus u režiji Matjaža Pograjca, koprodukcija Narodno pozorište Beograd / Sterijino pozorje / Bunker Ljubljana 2009. Maja Pelević osvojila je nagrade „Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz" za dramsko stvaralaštvo, „Slobodan Selenić" za najbolju diplomsku dramu i nagradu Sterijinog pozorja za originalni dramski tekst 2007. godine. Playwright and dramaturgist of the National Theatre in Belgrade. Graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Dramaturgy Department, in Belgrade 2005. Staged plays: ESCape - Bitef Art Cafe 2004, directed by Jelena Bogavac; ler - National Theatre in Subotica 2005, directed by Slađana Kilibarda and MTM, Mostar, directed by Miloš Lazin; Fake Porno (with M. Bogavac, J. Bogavac and F.Vujošević), Bitef Theatre 2005, directed by Jelena Bogavac; Budite